Ch11 Im Sorry

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Foxys POV:

"Bonnie!" I shouted while walking through the woods. Where is he? Oh god I hope he's ok. Fucking Mangle and her stupid fucking friends. "Bonnie! Where are you! Please! I'm sorry about what happened!" I couldnt stop freaking out. I kept walking until I saw two little bunny ears poking out from behind a rock. I slowly walked over to the rock and saw his ear pirk up when I came closer. "Foxy... *sniff* P-please leave me alone." He Studdard. I walked over to him and saw tears drenched in his purple fur and his purple ears hanged down. "Bonnie-" "I said leave me alone!" He shouted covering his arms around his face. "Bonnie please, I'm sorry about what happened back there-" "All you guys do is make this worse. You know what. Fuck you, and your friends!" He said before getting up and walking away. My heart shattered when I heard that. Now I feel terrible. I got up and followed him. He walked up and sat down on a rock. I could hear him sobbing and sniffing every second I walked closer to him. My poor bunny boy. I sat down next to him on the rock. "I-im sorry I-I didn't mean to say that." "Its ok, your upset, I know that guitar was very important to you." "So do you know?" "Know what?" "*sniff* About my parents." My heart skipped a beat. "Um... did... they u-um. Did they die?" I Studdard. "Yea, in a car crash." He said as a tear came down his furred cheak. "Oh... I'm... sorry to hear that." "That guitar was the last thing I had of them." I wrapped my arms around him let him cry into my shoulder. "Its ok Bonnie, I'm here for you." We sat there for a few until it started raining. "C'mon let's get out of here." I said before getting up and started walking out of the woods with Bonnie. We made it out and stared walking towards my car and the rain got heavier so we started speed walking. We made it over to my car and we both got in. We sat there for a moment before I turned on the car and started driving. "Um... how long ago was it?" I asked. "The begaining of the year." "Wait so you've been with 'him' for a whole year!?" "No I stayed with my aunt and she payed for my school but she had to move to Texas for her job but said it was best for me to stay at this school so she left me a couple $100 and told me good luck. Then thats when I meet Kai." "If this happend at the begaining of the year how come I never heard about it?" "Because I didn't talk to anyone, nor did I have friends." He said looking down. "Jesus Bonnie, I'm so sorry. I wish I would have known sooner." "Its ok." we sat in the car for a moment in silence before my phone went off like crazy. I looked over to it to see texts from our group chat and from Mangle and other separately texts, then Mangle started calling. I hung up. Bonnie pulled up his phone and checked the messages. "What are they saying?" I asked annoyed. "Mangles trying to apologize and some other people are confused-" "Fuck her. She thinks that because she's pretty and the cool one and my cousin she can do whatever she wants." "At least let her talk to you about it." "Fine, I guess I will." I said as I sighed. "So what are we doing?" I asked looking over towards him. "I guess take me back home. But if anything goes bad then I'll text you." I nodded and we drove to his apartment. He got out of the car and waved bye to me and walked inside. I started driving back to my house but pulled into a parking lot t check my phone and see those text messages.

Group chat

Mangle: Bonnie I'm so sorry we didn't mean to
Grim: Wait what happened?
ChiChi: Broke Bonnie's guitar and he cried like a little baby
Frost: why did you break it?
Golden: probably cus ChiChis a asshole
ChiChi: stfu Golden you weren't even there
Grim: you guys are assholes. Bonnie's probably going through something and your just bullying him
Frost: whats wrong with-

*RING RING RING* my phone started ringing. It was Grim calling me. I guess I'll pick it up. "Hello?" I answered. "Foxy! Is Bonnie ok?" He asked. "If you wanna know why didn't you call him?" "I did, he just said he's fine and hung up. But I know thats not true so I called you." I sighed and told him what happened. "Why would she do that?" "Because I rejected her and she thinks it's Bonnie's fault." "Poor Bonnie." It went quite for a moment. "So whats the real reason?" He asked. "What do you mean?" "Whats the main reason?" I knew what he was talking about. I have to tell him. "Bonnie's parents are dead." "What!" "That guitar was the last thing he's had from his family." "Wheres he been living?" "With an abusive roommate." "Oh god..." I heard his voice die down. "Now you know." "Foxy..." "I'm the only one who cares about him. Everyone else treats him like shit." "I-Im so sorry." He wimperd. "Its fine I'm taking care of him." "Foxy ye'know I'm here for you if you ever need my help" "We're fine. I'm gonna drive home, I'll talk to you later." "Wait Foxy-" I hung up before he could finish. I put my hands over my face and sighed. "I shouldn't have told him." I said to myself out loud. I turned the car on again and started driving home.

I'm Here For You (Foxy x Bonnie story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora