Ch46 The Plan

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Bonnie's POV:

"Bonnie, are you one hundred percent sure about what your doing?" Ray asked me as him and I were standing in the parking lot to The Loop. "Im sure. If there's any possible way we can get info on where Kai is. Then we need to take it." I told him. "Alright. Just dont get hurt. I'll follow you close behind and wait for them to strike. Just act natural and like you just on a normal day shopping spree or something." Ray said. "Ok." "And if anything goes wrong. Not saying that it will but... Anything does, be ready to run when I jump in the action." I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Ok, superhero." I joked. He laughed and I started walking my way towards The Loop. "Simple plan. Just don't die." I told myself. Ray stayed behind a little and then caught up to me from a distance. Kais people have to be here so this shouldn't take to long. The place was somewhat packed so I'm guessing that I just have to cut through the alleyways for kais guys to spot me and tey and take action. As I walked through the crowds on the street, I retold myself the plan in my head. Ray and I discussed that we would both come here to The Loop and I would be a distraction to find out where Kai is and then Ray would swing in to come save me. Last time Ray was here, Kais guys were waiting for me. So if I can get them out again and catch me, maybe they will spill the beans. I told Foxy that I was just gonna go and get groceries so he shouldn't know about anything that's going on. Well... It took awhile to convince him still so I made Enard text him and tell him that he was with me. I'm happy he's on our side now. Anyways, we were- I mean I was walking through The Loop, passing by all of these people and acting like I was shopping in the small stores. Time passed and I was for sure spotted by Kai's guys. I spotted Ray still watching me from afar and I took my change. I saw a dark alleyway that wasn't active at all and I made my way over towards it. As I was about to pass through it, I spotted someone who quickly ducked behind a garbage bin. Found them. I took a deep breath, knowing what I just put myself into could get me hurt but I kept my head up high. As I began to walk closer to the other end of the alleyway, I suddenly was grabbed and pulled back. A hand wrapped around my mouth and my arms were held together so I couldn't move. "Finally fucking caught ya fagot!" The voice of the person behind me said. Yep this is them! Shit fuck shit fuck! This is alot more terrifying then I thought! I then was thrown forward and fell to the ground. I finally got to look up at the people laughing in front of me and immediately felt the regret I'm my body of doing this stupid plan. Three tall men stood infront of me. "This is the faggot Kai wants? Your shitting me." One of the other guys said. I desperately tried to stand up before I was then grabbed by my collar once again." We are getting paid a shit ton to bring him this kid." Another guy said. "I know. Just... Some fucking weak ass kid. He could've just come down here himself and brought the kid to the old mill." Another said. Thats it. The old mill. There's some outside of town. We just gotta find the right one. "Put the fucking kid asleep. We'll drag the car around back and get em." Another one of the guys told the man behind me. Then, not even a second later, the man behind me pulled out a long needle with some liquid inside the bottle that it was attached to. My heart started pounding more and more. He placed his hand once again over my mouth and took complete control over me. "Hold still you little shit." The guy said as he brought the needle closer and closer to my neck. Ray! Where are you! I tried to move away again the guy almost lost his grip. "Make this harder and I'll-" A loud crash from behind me cut the man's sentence. He let go of me and I quickly trued to jump forward but I was tripped by the guy infront of me and I fell and hit my head on the side of the trash bin. I then fell to the ground. My mind went blurry and so did my vision. As it slowly started to come back, I saw that one of the guys grabbed Ray! "Nice try dumbass!" The guy yelled at him. Ray tried to say something before a guy, who had a bloody neck now, punched him in the gut, making Ray almost fall to his knees. "I outta kill your fucking dumbass for throwing a bottle at me." The bloody man said. "You might as well. This is that fucking dumbass that stabbed us the other day." "Sun of a bitch!" The man screamed again and punched Ray across the face. "Piece of shit. Then hold him still. I'll make it quick."  The guy said. My mind when blurry again as I almost started to cry for Ray. They're gonna kill him. And I can help... I'm so broken. My vision went blurry again and then I started hear loud noises. I tried to not see whatever was happening in fear of knowing that it was Ray trying to get away form... Them. I then was grabbed and pulled up and held in someone's arms. "Bonnie! Bonnie please talk to me! Bonnie!" I heard the voice try and shout at me. My vision finally bit slowly came back and I looked at the person who was holding me. It was... Foxy!? "Bonnie, please talk to me!" Foxy begged me once again. He had tears in his eyes and he was holding me tightly in his arms. "I'm ok, Foxy. I'm-" "Thank god! Why would you leave me..." He now cried, hugging me tightly over my shoulder. I looked over his and saw Blackheart, Freddy, Funtime and Enard around me. The other men were gone. Blackheads was desperately trying to help Ray to his feet. Ray had a long slash on his cheek from a knife. "Jesus christ Ray. This was fucking stupid. I should've never let you go alone." Blackheart cried to Ray. "Hey sweetie I'm fine. I'm ok. We-" "Dont lie to me. They would've gutted you out if we didn't show up. Fuck..." Blackheart interrupted Ray and hugged him tightly again. "How did..." I tried to ask the others how they knew we were here. "Blackheart texted Foxy your plan and he texted us to come help. Funtime drove Foxy down and Enard told Foxy the truth and drove down to help with me." Freddy explained. "And it was fucking stupid. We could've figured out something else." Funtime yelled at Ray and I. "It was my fault. I told him my plan and he tried to stop me. It's my fault..." I confessed, defending Ray. "Why would you lie to me though? Why..." Foxy cried again. I broke him... Hes crying like crazy. Fuck... Im so sorry my love... "Your staying with me for the rest of the day Ray. I don't care if you have somewhere else to go." Blackheart told Ray, now helping him to his feet. "W-what happened to the other guys?" I asked. "Enard saved your asses. He came in and socked the first guy I the face and beat the shit outta everyone else and called us over when they ran away." Funtime explained to me. "Your welcome, by the way." Enard told everyone. "Im bringing Bonnie home. I don't want him out here anymore." Foxy told everyone as he pulled me up and held me bride style. "But we know where Kai is now.-" "I dont care right now. I want you safe." Foxy said. "They said Kai's at the old mill. Outside of town. That's were he is." I quickly told everyone so Foxy wouldn't try and inturupt me again. "Then you guys please figure out something for that. I'm taking him home." Foxy told them. "Ok. Drive home safe Foxy." Enard wished us. Foxy then quickly left the alleyway and started towards the parking lot that was not too far from where we were. "Foxy-" "I dont wanna hear it." Foxy inturupted again. I broke him. He's shattered. He'll probably never trust me again. "Foxy I can walk." I told him. "I dont care." He said again. Seeing his face now was just covered in tears, stained to his crimson face. It made me almost cry. We made it into the parking lot and Foxy luckly spotted the truck and walked over towards it. I had the truck keys in my pocket but I didn't try to pull them out. Foxy made it to the truck and put me down on my feet and I handed him the keys. "Get in." He asked me. I just nodded and got in the passenger seat. I closed the door behind me and held my head with my right hand. I felt a little bit of blood but tried to hide it from Foxy. Anyways I knew he probably already saw it. He got in the driver's seat and then reached over my seat and grabbed the first aid kit and pulled out some cloth. "Move your hand." He asked me. I did so and he got to cleaning. His eyes looked like they were shattered and his hands were shaking like crazy. He finished cleaning my wound on my head and then started the truck and started driving. "Why did you lie to me?" He asked all of a sudden. "Because if I would've told you the truth, you would've never let us do this." I told him. "They could've killed you! They almost killed Ray!" Foxy starred to cry again with a crack in his voice. "Foxy-" "What if we didn't show up?" He asked, slightly raising his voice, "They would've took you away and I would've never seen you again. I could've lost you forever." I couldn't say anything to defend that. But I tried. "It was my idea and we got the info we needed.-" "But you were hurt Bonnie! They hurt you..." He cried more, "Blackheart called me and told me you and Ray's plan that he told him and I knew something was wrong. I called everyone to help me because I was terrified. Funtime picked me up in Phantoms car and we bolted to find you. Enard even called and told me he lied because you asked him to. Freddy and Enard came to help us too and Blackheart started freaking out and so was I. If Enard wasn't there to help you, Ray would've died. They had a knife up against his neck and one of the fuckers was gonna inject you with drugs. You could've died, Bonnie! I dont care if it was to find Kai. I care about you and losing you is my biggest fear. Fuck Kai." Foxy cried to me. I had no more words. I can't really apologize because what's that supposed to do. I already scared the shit out of him. We continued driving until we made it to the apartment parking lot. Foxy parked the truck and then leaned back in his chair and hugged his knees. He started crying again. I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned over to him and hugged him. "I can't keep doing this Bonnie..." Foxy cried, making me cry. "I know sweetheart. I know..." I replied to him. "I used to be the brave and protective fox and now I've lost everything except you... I'm broken and my hearts so close to breaking but your holding it together. If I lose you... I lose myself... Bonnie, I know you want this to end but... I can risk losing you to solve it..." "I know. I should've told you the truth... I did what I told you not to do and that was lie but I lied to you instead. I'm sorry Foxy. I just want this to end so we can be happy again. I want my sweet baby fox back and our bodys healed again. That's why I took that chance. And I'm sorry." I told him. He continued to cry and I cried too. We stayed like that. Neither of us moved. I just held him and we both cried our eyes out. I'm sorry my Love... Im sorry...

I'm Here For You (Foxy x Bonnie story)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat