Ch49 Together

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Bonnie's POV:

We talked about this for hours last night. Foxy and I. We have to take this shot. We waited a week, Stayed as close as we could together, and prepared for whatever we were about to face. I want my Foxy back. My sweet, joyful, protective Foxy, and he wants me back. So we're going to finish this. We know where Kai is. We know how to get to him, we know what we have to do. Phantom gave us a gun, for safety reasons at home. He gave me the lock for it. I took it out of the night stand drawer and held it in my hands as I sat on the edge of the bed. Foxy came in the room and looked at me. "Bon?" He asked as he walked over. I payed no attention to him. I just looked at the gun. He sat down next to me and sighed. "I know... this is gonna be really hard for us. But I know we can do it." Foxy said to me. "I... Im just scared. That maybe this won't work." I told him. "I know it will Bon. We find kais bunker, find and information about who was giving us away, and then call the police. If Kai is there, then..." He looked at my gun in my hands. He placed his hand over it and took it and placed it aside. "We wont..we won't kill him... but we'll stop him until they arrive. Ok?" Foxy told me. I was still worried but I stayed positive for him. "Aim for his knees and he'll fall." I said. "Yea. But it's still a difficult shot." He said, "D-Do you want me to do it?" Foxy asked me. My heart jumped. "N-No. I don't want you to. I-I don't want you to live with having to shoot someone." "But its to protect you Bonnie. It's to keep you safe.-" "But I promised to keep you safe too. And I want him to know that I shot him. I want him to feel what I felt." I told him, sounding brutal. Foxy sighed. "If we kill him Bon, then we'll both be in big trouble... I dont want thar happening to you.-" "But you know the police won't do anything. It's been months and we caught him and brought Kai to them once before they could do anything. And then they just lost him. And I'm not risking losing you again." I argued with him, not really meaning to, "I want to be happy with you again. I wanna feel safe with you Foxy. I love you and I want us to be together and finally safe from the world." I told him. He sighed and held both of my hands. "I trust you Bonnie. You know I do." He said. "Then trust me with this. We're gonna end this, once and for all." I told him. He nodded and then we both stood up together, hand in hand still. "I do." He said. I gave him a little smile and then kissed him on the lips. A passionate kiss. Then I released. "We can do this." I told him, cupping his cheeks. "We can do this." He repeated me, holding my hands on his cheeks. "Together." We both said. I then released him and he released me too. "I'll go get the rest of my stuff ready. Ok?" Foxy told me, heading towards the doorway. "I love you." I told him just before he left. He turned his head and gave me a little smile. "I love you too." He responded, leaving the room now. I took a deep breath and then sighed. I looked down at the gun on the bed and took it into my hands. I stared at it. "Shot for the knees, or shoot for the head. Whatever it takes to stop him." I told myself. I then slipped the gun into my jeans pocket and got ready to leave the room. But just before I did so. I remembered that phantom was stopping by today. I wrote a note for him so when he came in the house, he would read it first. I placed the note down on the bed and looked at it one last time before leaving the room.

The note:

Dear Phantom,

Foxy and I are finishing this. We know where he is. Where his hideout is. We're putting an end to this. Even if it results in us killing him. I have been so lost my entire life and after I found Foxy, I was givin hope again. And now he's broken. Everyone knows he's broken. And I'm not just gonna wait for him to break more. The police aren't gonna do anything else. So were taking this into our own hands. Together. If this goes horrible, we both love you and thank you for helping us through this terrible time. Tell Funtime that too if she's with you. But don't let anyone else know. Please. God bless you phantom.

From, Bonnie

(Read the comments please!!!)

I'm Here For You (Foxy x Bonnie story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora