Ch37 Spy

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Ray's POV:

"What kind of stuff does Bonnie like?" I said on the phone with Freddy. Well technically I had my Bluetooth earphones on talking to Freddy but anyways, I was at the loop looking for some gifts for Foxy and Bonnie. Just a little surprise gift from me to them. "Um... hm... I'm not really sure. Foxy already got him a shit ton of drawing stuff. Hm... maybe buy him a video game or something, I don't know. You could buy him some clothes maybe or just get Foxy some other stuff." "I already got Foxy plenty of stuff. "Well then I don't know. Hey how are you and Blackheart doing? I heard you were gonna ask him out." Freddy asked changing the topic as I was walking towards my car. "Good. I plan on asking him in person. Not on text or anything. I'm not afraid of asking him out. I'm afraid of his response. Like he doesn't seem gay or anything but then he hasn't dated anyone in forever so maybe I got a chance. But who knows." "So what are you?" "Im pansexual." "Oh... what's that?" I laughed as I made it over to my car and started throwing the gifts in my trunk. "Pan is you love anyone, no matter the gender." "Ah ok. When do you think you'll ask out Blackheart?" "Maybe I could..." My voice died down as I saw two tall males jump out of a car with the same masks from the party. "Ray? You there?" Freddy asked. "There's some guys here with the masks from the party." I wisperd. "Are you serious??" He asked confused. "Yea. I'm gonna follow them." "No! No! Do not follow them." "Hey its fine I got a knife just incase." I said grabbing a pocket knife out of my car. "Just. Be careful man." "I will. Just don't hang up and be ready to record the call just incase." "Gotcha." I watched as the two men made there way over towards the Loop. I followed but far behind to where I could see them but they couldn't see me. I kept following until they went down a weird ally way. I made it over there and hid around the corner and peaked in. There were three of them now. "Freddy start recording." I told him through the Bluetooth headphones. "Gotcha." He replied. "Where the fuck is Thomas? Were supposed to meet her to discuss." One of the guys said. "Why are we even here in the first place?" Another one said. "Kai said we need to discuss about this Yendo guy. He worked for Kai and then decided to switch teams and now we need to kill him." "What about the other two fags? Doesn't he want them dead?" "He wants this Yendo guy dead first."  "Well what do we know so far?" The third one said. There voices quieted down and I couldn't hear them anymore. "I can't hear them. I need to get closer-" I wisperd but then was grabbed and my mouth was covered. My heart stopped and I could feel myself trying to scream. "Hey guys. Look at this little spy listening to our conversation." A guy said bringing me down the ally way towards the other three men. "Looks like Thomas caught a little rat." A guy said as I was thrown to the ground. "What do we do to him Steve?" Another guy asked as two of them lifted me up by the arms. "Well. We're supposed to just kill him but... he looks weak. Maybe we could have a little fun with him." My heart stopped hearing that. Oh fuuuuuck. They started laughing and the other two grabbed my legs and lifted me up. "Where do we start?" One said with a laugh. "Well we gotta weaken the guy first." The other said. They counted down on three and through me onto the concrete. I almost struggled to get up until on of the guys grabbed my tail and pulled me. "This is gonna be fun~." He said with a loud laugh. Then I remembered my knife in my pocket. I reached in and grabbed it then turned  and stabbed the guy in the wrist then ripping the knife out and pushing him aside. One of the other guys charged at me and I somehow dodged it and started running out of the alleyway. "Catch that fucker. And kill him if you get him." The wounded guy shouted as the other three started running at me. I ran out of the alleyway and started running towards the parking lot but one of those guys stopped me. I quickly turned and ran down another alleyway. "Freddy I'm gonna have to call you back!" I yelled and quickly hanged up by tapping the side of my Bluetooth headphones. I slipped them into my pocket and kept running until I was in a crowded area. I can lose them here. I started pushing through and ran towards another alleyway. If I run through here I should make it to the parking lot. I almost made it all the way down the alleyway until two of the mask guys appeared around the  corner. I tried to turn around but the third guy was at the other end. "No way to run rat." He shouted. I looked around at my options and saw a ladder that I could jump to and climb to the roof. I quickly did and one of guys almost caught up to me as I jumped onto the ladder. I climbed up and kept running. Luckily the buildings were connected and I could easily jump to roof to roof. I kept going until I saw a fire escape and used it and climbed down. I may look weak but I'm a fast ass fox. I started running to the parking lot finally and made it to my car. I started it and drove out and left the loop. "Haha! Can't catch my fast ass. Let's go!" I shouted in glee. I stopped in another parking lot and called Freddy again. But as I called him it said I was added to a group call. "Ray! Thank fucking god your ok! What did they do to you?!?" I heard Blackheart shout worried our of his mind. "I'm fine, I got information and made it out." "But they hurt you dude I heard it." Freddy added. "But I'm fine. They're to slow and I made it away." "Well what did you hear?" I heard Golden ask. "They are going after Yendo first. Then they plan on going after Foxy and Bonnie." I said. "Fuck... I'll tell Yendo the news. Freddy. I know your visiting them today but do not tell them anything about what happened. I bet they are still freaked out about yesterday's group chat problem." Golden said. "Alright." Freddy said as Golden left the call. "Ray, just drop off the stuff at my house. I'll deliver it to them today ok?" Freddy asked. "Sure thing." I said as Freddy left the call too. "Then come to my place. Please. I just... need to see you safe..." Blackheart said making me blush and smile. "Yea, ok." I replied. "I'll see you soon." He said hanging up. The phone called ended and I started driving to Freddy's house. Thank god I remember that knife. I would've gotten my ass kicked if I didnt.

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