Ch3 Music notes

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Bonnie's POV:

It was the end of 7th hour and I started walking to my locker and saw that Foxy guy again. I didn't want him to see me so I rushed over to my locker and grabbed my guitar and went over to the abandoned band room. The school was gonna remodel it this summer but for now, it's just been abandoned. I usually go there to play my guitar where no one could hear it. I went into the band room and sat my guitar case down and opened it. I had a very girlish guitar but I liked it. My mom gave it to me. I pulled it out of the case and started to play. I sang to the song I was playing on my guitar called "wolf mother". As I ended the song I thought that was enough for the day until... "that was beautiful." I heard a voice say startling me. I looked towards the door and saw Foxy standing there. "I-I um... I was um..." I Studdard trying to talk. "Sorry if this is your personal area, I usually come here to just listen to music and stare at the celling." He said walking over to me. "Is it ok if I stay for awhile?" "S-sure. I don't mind." I answered. He walked over towards me and layed down right next to me on the big box I was sitting on. So what song where you playing?" "Wolf mother by First Aid." "It was really good. You should show people your talent." "I don't think people would like it." "I loved it and I only heard you play one song." "Yea, but... I've never really played for anyone before." "Oh so I'm you first listener?" He said sitting up smiling at me. "I guess so." We sat there for a couple of seconds untill I broke the silence. "You won't tell anyone I'm down here right?" I asked "yea I won't tell anyone but only if you play another song." He answered. I blushed a mad red color that I knew he could see. "Um I guess I could." He smiled then turned to me and sat criss cross on the box to listen. I decided to do a song called "Winter" by AJR and I sang to it. As I finished i felt like he was gonna laugh at me for playing that song but then I heard claping. I turned towards him to see him claping to my profomance. "You did great man." He said. All I can do is smile and blush to the point where I swear he could see it. "Th-thanks." I Studdard again. "Hey the school is closing soon. Would you like a ride home?" He asked. "No. I-im good." I replied. "Thank you though." "No problem lad. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye." He waved as he left and I waved back. Why is he so nice to me? I just met him. Does he like me? Shut up Bonnie, he doesn't like you, you just met him and he doesn't even know who you are. I sighed and then packed my stuff and walked home.

I'm Here For You (Foxy x Bonnie story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ