Ch9 Shopping Spree

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Foxys POV:

We walked into the mall and immediately dragged Bonnie into a clothing store. I know he doesn't want me to buy him anything but I need to take care of him. Its not gay, I'm just... being nice. I think. I don't know anymore. We walked in the store and we went over to the guys clothes section and I started looking around as he followed me. "Foxy you don't have to do this for me." Said Bonnie as I was looking at a pair of clothes. "I want to and I need to." I replied. "Do you want some of these jeans?" "Um... sure." He said with a sigh. I hope I'm not making him upset. I took some of the jeans then grabbed some sweat pants and some hoodies and then walked back over to Bonnie. He was looking at some other clothes. He was looking at a very cute purple hoodie with a odd but cute bunny logo on the sleeve. "You want me to get you that too?" I asked as he quickly turned around. "N-no we can leave." He answered quickly and then walked away. I looked at that hoodie that he was looking at and I quickly put it into my bag then walked over to the checkout. "Hey ill be outside in a minute if you wanna wait out there." I said to Bonnie. He just nodded his head then walked away. The poor guy looks like he hasn't gotten sleep in days. I bought the clothes and walked outside the store. Looked around for Bonnie and I saw him sitting down on the bench talking to Mangle, ChiChi, BonBon, Chica and Frosty. Great now they're gonna be fucking annoying. I walked towards them and Mangle looked up and laughed. "Look at who it is." Said Mangle sounding like a complete asshole. "Why are you guys here?" I asked annoyed. "To buy stuff. Are you taking your boyfriend on a date?" She laughed same with everyone else. Except Frosty. No one knows that him and Grim are together so they don't make fun of him. "C'mon Bonnie we are leaving." I Said as Bonnie got up and walked over to me. "You guys aren't leaving us." I sighed and we all started walking. "Soooo how are you and your boyfriend doing?" Asked Chica. "Oh my God hes not my boyfriend. We're just friends at the mall." I said. We went into a few stores and they bought stuff and I bought stuff for Bonnie secretly. He needs this stuff. As we were leaving a store ChiChi grabbed my arm, "I need to talk to you." She wisperd. I walked with her and we stopped at a corner of the mall to talk. "Whats up?" I asked. "So... Foxy, I don't really know how to say this but Foxy, I like you... alot and I thought mabey we could go out together." She said holding my hand. I quickly yanked my hand away from hers and stepped back. "I'm sorry ChiChi but I don't feel the same way about you." I said slowly. She looked sad but then her face turned into a angry bull. "What do you mean you don't like me!?" She pretty much shouted. "I just don't feel the same way you feel." "Is it because I'm not as good as him!?" "What?" I knew she was talking about Bonnie but why? "I understand why your upset but that doesn't mean your aloud to yell at me for not feeling the same way." "You know what, fuck you Foxy. Your just a stupid gay hore." I just started walking away leaving her back there. I've never rejected someone like that before. Whats wrong with me. Well she is a bitch anyway but jeez she flipped out. I mean I understand but she started saying it was Bonnie's fault. I walked around the mall looking for Bonnie until I saw him standing outside a store. I walked over towards him and I quickly grabbed is hand and we ran all the way across the mall as far away from the group. We stopped by this Cafe shop and we went in and took a seat. "So um reason why I grabbed you and ran was because I-" "Thank you." Bonnie said interrupting me. "For what?" "I got really uncomfortable around them and really wanted to leave." "Ok so you felt the same also." I said as he nodded. "So why do they keep thinking that your gay?" Bonnie asked "like its fine if you are gay but I'm just curious." "Your fine. They say that because that day i helped you from enard they decided to assume that I liked you or was 'into men' or something like that." I replied. "So are you actually Gay?" "I don't know, I think I might be bi but if they find out they are just gonna make fun of me. Also as you can tell they love making fun of gay people." I said as I layed my head in my arms on the table. "You shouldn't be afraid of people finding out your sexuality. Its not like they can do anything about it. Plus you should be proud of who you are." I smiled and blush that he was trying to help me. "Thanks bud." I said. He just smiled at me. "There you guys are." Said a voice walking in the Cafe. It was Frosty. "Oh thank God its you and no one else." I said in relief. "Bonnie you remember Frosty right?" Bonnie nodded. "Well him and Grim are dating so he won't give us any trouble." Frost sat down next to me on the booth we were in. "Sorry that they won't stop harassing you guys. How'd they find out?" Asked Frost. "Find out what?" Bonnie asked. "Oh so you guys aren't actually together?" Me and Bonnie said no and he just sat there confused. "So they are just making fun of you because your friends?" "Yep." I replied laying my head back in my arms. Then we saw Mangle and the rest of the group walking outside the cafe probably looking for us.
. "I'll go distract them so yall can get out of here." He got up and walked towards the door. "Thanks lad." I said as he walked out. He looked like he started talking to them then they turned around and left. Me and Bonnie quickly ran out off the mall and walked back to my car. "So how much money did you spend on me?" Bonnie asked as we were getting in the car. "A good $150-" "Foxy. Oh my god." "What?" "You met me like not even a week ago and you've spent more than $400 on me." "Thats because I care about you AND you need it." I smirked and it made him laugh a little. I drove were he lived and dropped him off, he got out of my car and started walking away. "Hey!" I said after I rolled down my window. He walked over to it. "Please be safe." I said. "I will." He replied. "I'll see you tomorrow." "See you later." He said walking away and waving bye. I waved back and laughed. He's so cute.

I'm Here For You (Foxy x Bonnie story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ