He also started crying and honestly I've never seen Potter cry. He always has an emotionless expression on his face when he walks along the corridors or if I bully him. Maybe I shouldn't have brought up his parents that was a real dick move of me. And last of all ever since this school year he flinched every time I tried to touch him, it seems like he is terrified of me and that's not something I've been used to from Potter. Normally he just let it happen without any emotion he wasn't really scared of me until this year. I wonder if something happened to him during the summer and I wonder where he goes to over the summer. Both his parents are dead and I saw him at the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasels and the Mudblood. I'm gonna find out what happened to him even if I have to take him apart and yell it out of him I want to know what happened so I can help him because I need to stop bullying him. Even if I disappoint my father with this. 

Professor McGonagall looked at me with a very angry face ''Care to explain to me what happened mr. Malfoy?'' I looked down at my shoes and followed her into her office after she told everyone to go to the Great Hall or the library to do their homework because class was dismissed. ''Well to be honest I was a little mad at Potter and shoved him against the wall but I didn't intend to break his rib'' I say very carefully.

She sighs ''I know you and mr. Potter haven't been the best of friends in this school but bullying is strictly forbidden in this castle and if I see it again then I'm afraid we have to expel you mr. Malfoy and what will your father think of you then?'' she did have a point but my father hates Potter too so he wouldn't mind me bullying him but he would be furious if I got expelled from Hogwarts and especially if it's because of Potter. Then I have to go to Durmstrang and they're like vikings there, complete nutters. Or I have to go to Beauxbatons, cute girls go there but most boys are all female like and the uniform for boys is awful I would rather throw myself from the Astronomy Tower than wear that uniform.

I shouldn't make suicide jokes oh my god why am I such a monster?! ''Mr. Malfoy I expect you to apologize to mr. Potter and behave well in classes and out of classes remember I'll keep an eye on you and I will report this to professor Dumbledore. You can join your classmates in the Great Hall or in the library to make your homework for next week'' I left her office to go to the Great Hall but after I took a turn I saw professor McGonagall also leave her office I decided to follow her maybe she knows more about what happened to Potter.

I followed her all the way to Dumbledore's office and I decided to eavesdrop. I heard professor McGonagall talking with Dumbledore. ''Professor Dumbledore I have some terrible news'' I heard her say. ''What's the matter Minerva?'' he says in a very soft voice. ''Today I witnessed Draco Malfoy bullying Harry Potter but that was not the only thing Draco lifted Harry's shirt up and he was really skinny I could count al his ribs and his stomach was full of cuts and bruises, burn marks and scars it was terrible do you think the Dursley's have something to do with this?''.

The Dursley's? Who are the Dursley's? Sounds like a family such as the Weasels. ''I don't know Minerva didn't you say that Draco was bullying Harry?'' of course Dumbledore puts the blame on me. Well yeah I am an asshole to Potter but I didn't do it. ''Yeah but Draco was as surprised as I was'' say it Minerva! ''Well then I suggest we keep an eye on Harry and make sure he gets checked by madam Pomfrey'' I heard professor McGonagall say ''Yes professor Dumbledore'' and then she left her office after I hid behind a pillar.

Harry's POV:

During supper I felt Draco's eyes on me constantly. I couldn't see his face right now I just wanted to go to bed actually but Cedric wouldn't let me if I at least ate something. I've also been avoiding the professors all day long because they would probably ask me questions. I also should let myself get checked up at the hospital wing because I'm pretty sure I have a broken rib. I felt Cedric's arm snaking around my waist and holding me close ''I bring you to the hospital wing after dinner to let you get checked up'' yes I told him about what happened because right now I trust him the most.

I nod and ate my meat in piece knowing I was safe in Cedric's arms. I feel really flustered every time I'm with him but it's just that he's probably straight. Everyday in the hallway I see him smiling and winking at girls and he's so handsome every girl wants to be with him. There's only one guy in this school who's more handsome than Cedric and that's Draco but he's an asshole. Cedric is just so charming I wonder what it's like to be his boyfriend. 

After dinner Cedric walked me to the hospital wing and as soon as we arrived I laid on the bed ''So Mr. Potter will you take off your shirt so I can see what the damage is?'' she asks in a very friendly voice. I nod and took off my shirt and Cedric stood there wide eyed and took a stool to sit next to my bed and he took my hand ''Did Draco do this to you?'' okay I didn't tell him the whole story but I told him something. I shook my head ''I'd rather not talk about it but it wasn't Draco'' I say and he nods still holding my hand.

''Ah I can see you have 3 broken ribs and a lot of scars from cuts'' madam Pomfrey says.

''Wait 3 broken ribs?'' I ask.

''Yeah I can see one of them is from recently and the other 2 are from a longer time ago'' uncle Vernon probably did that so that was the crack noise in the house. I thought it was from uncle Vernon's hip or the wooden floor or something. ''You're gonna have to stay here for the weekend so I can heal your ribs and after that I'm gonna give you some cream for your cuts'' I thanked madam Pomfrey and when she walked away Cedric was still holding my hand and looking at me. I yawn because I'm very tired, Cedric noticed this ''I'm gonna let you sleep and I'll be there tomorrow to visit you sweet dreams love'' he kissed my forehead again and I fell into a sweet slumber.

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