Chapter 4

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"YOU!" The boy screams at Ren as she lays on the ground groaning. Her head slammed on the ground when she was knocked over by the same kid that escaped the tower earlier that day.

She continues to keep her eyes clamped shut, "Yes, it tis I. But I do not know who tis you," she responds still laying on the ground.

"IS EVERYTHING OKAY?" Thomas screams. I swear everything that comes out of that kid's mouth is question after question.

Ren finally she opens her eyes to see the boy holding a knife to her neck, leaning over her.

Say yes, he mouths to Ren.

"EVERYTHING IS FIND THOMAS!" She screams back, accidentally moving her neck causing blood to streak down onto the forest floor.

"why are you following me? Are you working for him? Huh! Tell me who are you working for?" The boy sneers, pressing the knife closer to Ren without making her bleed...if that was even possible.

"To be honest, I have no clue what your talking about," Ren replies holding her hands in surrender on the floor.

"Don't play dumb," he says pausing for a moment,"I'm taking you back to camp."

"Okay then, I'll give you to the count of three to get the shuck outta here and forget about me before all hell breaks loose."

"Pft, I could easily take you down,"The boy says, being over confident.

"Okay..." Ren says smirking.

"One..." Doesn't move.

"Two..." you could see him questioning his decision.

"Three..." Regrets decision instantly.

She goes superspeed mode. Carefully she moves the knife away from her neck. Sliding away and standing deciding what to do with him.

She smiles as she thinks of the perfect plan. She grabs the knife and throws it into the bush somewhere. Running to a tree, dragging the boy. She reaches a branch sturdy enough to hold him about fifteen feet in the air. She hooks the back of his underwear to the end of the branch and climbs down.

She returns to the present as she watches the boy freak out and twist back and forth trying to figure out what happened.

Not being able to hold it in anymore, Ren breaks out laughing.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Newt yells.

"over protective much..." she mutters looking in the direction of the voice.


Soon the three boys run through the forest, trampling practically everything. Thomas starts laughing at the sight, Minho too. Newt stands there shaking his head smiling.

"LET ME DOWN!" The kid yells.

"Mm I'm okay," Ren says crossing her arms.

"You're going to regret coming here!" He tries to threat.

"Is it just me or does he remind you of..." Thomas starts.

"Gally?" Ren finishes. Thomas nods.

Newt looks at Ren," Isn't he-"

"The kid from Avenger Tower?" Ren finishes.

"It actually was Stark Tower." A familiar genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, corrects from behind a tree.

"Tony?" Ren asks turning to face him only to get hit in the head, knocking her out.

The regrets of Katherine BarnesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon