Chapter 21

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Ren slowly gets up from the dusty floor of The Pit. She stares at the sky above, clouds of smoke float across. Her face is covered in dirt. A black eye on the left side of her face, along with the many cuts along her body.

She limps over to the other side of the Pit. Two decently sized daggers appear in both hands. She drives the dagger into the wall as she climbs up the side.

Little by little she struggles to get to the top. Breathing in the smokey air, coughing every so often.

After about fifteen minutes of climbing, she reaches the top of the Pit. Her hand reaches for the ledge. She uses the rest of her strength to hoist herself up.

Her eyes lay on the devastation of the camp. All the cabins on fire, bodies scattered everywhere, and it was all her fault.

"What have I done..." Ren mumbles and falls to her knees. She buries her face with her hands and sobs. Someone puts a hand on her back and kneels next to her.

"Ren, are you okay, "Skye asks. She shakes her head no.

"How did you feel with your first kill Skye?" Ren asks looking at the ground as tears fall down her face onto the dusty floor.

"I felt...terrible," Skye simply says, confused on why Ren would ask.

"Have you ever set fire to something by accident?" Skye's eyes go a little wider.

"Did you do this," Skye asks. Before Ren could answer Jackson comes marching over.

Ren stumbles back trying to stand and crawls backward. Turning over she runs into a sprint.

"REN!" Skye yells, but she gets pushed down by Jackson. He follows Ren at full speed.

Ren turns into the direction of Riley's house. She pounds on the door. Riley opens the door.

"What- What are you doing here! You're supposed to be in the pit," Riley says. Ren looks back and forth from Riley to behind her.

"I'll explain just let me in," Riley steps to the side and let's Ren in. Immediately Ren pushes the door closed, locking it. Drawing all the blinds and hides behind a couch.

"Who's after you," Luna whispers behind Ren.


"NO SWEARING!" Riley scolds. Ren turns around to face Luna. She smiles and waves.

"How do you keep sneaking up on me," Ren asks shaking Luna's shoulders.

"My mutant ability, I disappear and reappear," Luna answers shrugging, "Mostly at random times. I can't quite control it. But eh it's fun to scare the crap out of people. I thought you knew that."

"Oh I did," Ren says, "I wanted to make it clear to the readers."

"The what?"


"She does," Minho says poking his head over the couch.

Ren fake coughs,"I ship it," coughs again.

"Same," Thomas says poking his head over the couch like Minho.


Logan steps out from behind the wall, Newt stands up from behind a chair, and Skye slowly comes out from hiding behind a potted plant.

"Anyone else," Ren asks crossing her arms. Fitz and Simmons slowly walk down the steps, Ward following. Peter(Parker) comes down from the kitchen ceiling onto the floor and stands behind Luna in the doorway. She rolls her eyes.

Ren walks over to a chair big chair. Sitting sideways, her legs hanging over the chair.

"So what do you do if your best friend tries to kill you," Ren asks aloud. Fitz, Simmons, and Skye all look at Ward. Logan glares at Luna, who's next to him, crossing his arms.

"I said I was sorry," Luna says throwing her hands in the air turning to look at Logan, "I didn't know you could die from a small explosion."

"Wha- I don't even want to ask," Riley says turning back towards Ren, "Anywho, why are you here?"

"Okay, "Ren takes a deep breath before explaining, "I accidentally set the hospital on fire, but before that I killed Jackson's girlfriend because she was trying to assassinate me. I also found out she was hydra. And I thrown into the pit, I think that's what it's called. I escaped and now my ex-best friend is after me trying to avenge his asshole of girlfriend." Everyone stands still, shocked.

"And you didn't mention this before because...." Minho says.

"I don't no maybe because I was shocked of my first, and hopefully last, kill and I had blood of my best friends ex on my hands!" Ren yells. Minho raises his hands in surrender.

"So that's why you asked me about my first kill," Skye says.

"How did you even get her before me anyways?" Ren asks.

"I have my ways," Syke says shrugging.

"Now what," Newt asks.

"We leave," Riley says stepping over to stand by Ren, "All of us. We need to get to the city. I will not let my sister rot in that hole."

"Okay, " Ward says, "It's," he checks his watch, "9:44pm. We leave at dawn. Less patrol. More shadows to hide in. You're either there or we leave. We meet at outskirts of the forest by the old car."

"Okay, " Ren says, "We're going to the city."

The regrets of Katherine BarnesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz