Chapter 7

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Slowly the group hug breaks apart, after about 4 minutes.

"This all is very confusing," Steve speaks up.

"Yeah, may I ask," Ren starts out normally, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED IN THE LAST THREE YEARS?!"

Everyone starts to stare at Ren again, making her the center of attention. All her friends looks at each other, worried about her reaction.

"Let's go somewhere more private," Riley says calmly.

They all sit around in Steve's cabin. Peter in a hammock near the ceiling, Tony in a chair, Thor, Riley, and Banner on the couch, etc.

They all sit in awkward silence waiting for someone to start the story. Ren starts tapping her fingers together.

Riley looks at Steve, "How about you start."

Steve takes a deep breath, "This will be a huge shock for you-"

" I highly doubt that." Ren mutters a bit to loud, she clears her throat, "Sorry, continue."

"But...we lost the battle."

No, really? Ren thinks. She knew better than to speak aloud.

"It all started a year after you went into your coma. It was a normal day for everyone. Peter, Jack, and Riley were watching you. Tony working on his suits-"

"Get to the point Capsical," Tony interrupts, getting bored.

"Anyways, Loki opened up the portal once again. We all ran out to stop him. We did once, we could do it again. But he wasn't alone. Not only did he have chitauri, he had HYDRA with him-"

"How did he-" Ren starts to ask only to get shushed by Tony. She sent a glare in his general direction then directed her attention to Steve once again.

"He also had Dr. Doom, Ivan Vanko, practically everyone."

"IVAN IS ALIVE?" Ren gasps.

"That's what I said!" Tony exclaims, "He died right in front of me! He blew up lit-"

"ANYWAYS! We had to call in X-Men to help, that didn't work. So then we, somehow, got the Guardians down to help...but after a year of fighting...we lost."

"Loki, took out a lot of men," Ren's sister picks up, "And civilians. He still is. But after he won... he brought us to the middle of Times Square, on our knees. We had no choice."

"But the strangest thing happened. He let us go, as long as we don't interfere, we can live."

Peter picks up from there, "He banished us to what we called, the wilds. Any civilians who wanted to come with, what they call us, the fallen, could come. But most people hated us, but as you can see... some came."

"We each got to bring five possessions," Bruce picks up, "He forced us out of the town....but before he did....on the jumbo screen...he-he killed you in front of everyone. Slaughtered you where you laid."

"That's why we thought you were dead, but here you are," Peter says.

"So after about three months we figured out how to live in a peaceful way with a man who slaughters the innocent for fun. And loves watching children cry." Clint says happily, earning a small chuckle from the people around him.

"What about the Guardians?" She asks, worried for her friends.

"They got stuck on Earth. Same goes for Thor, somehow Loki closed the..the," Clint is snapping his fingers trying to remember the word.

"Bifrost?" Thor says.

"Bifrost, right." Clint says.

"I have one last question," Ren says leaning forward , "Who the hell change me out of my clothes?"

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