Chapter 2

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Ren pokes her head out first to look down the hallway. Being as silent as possible. Slowly and carefully Ren makes her way out into the open of the empty hallway.

"Come on," Ren whisper yells to them. Urging them forward as she stealthily walks down the hall, sword in hand ready to attack...but not kill.

Slowly and carefully the group of teens walk down the hallway. They reach the elevator in no time, and didn't see any guards.

"Well, that was eas-" Minho starts, but is cut off by an alarm.

Ren looks at Minho, "You just had to shucking say it didn't you. " Ren grips her sword ready to face who or whatever coming.

"Wait a second...I have stupid powers, duh," Ren mutters as she pushes her sword to Thomas.

"Wha- Why don't I get the sword," Minho asks.

"You said the three words you never say when you are sneaking out," She says over the alarms, "Now come on and remember anything can be used as a weapon."

Ren turns around to race down the corridor when she sees a person at the end, hood up. It's head turned around to look behind him as if he's being chased.

"What the," Ren whispers standing still not moving as the person is headed straight towards her. Intrigued she doesn't even know what's happening.

Newt runs over to Ren and tackles her out of the way. Tripping the person by accident with his legs.

The person scrambles to get up. Minho notices a sack in his hand, no bigger than a pillow actually looks almost exactly like a pillow case. The person turns to look at the couple sprawled on the ground. The person is a guy, easily 6 foot, blonde hair,and has to be at least sixteen or seventeen.

He finally gets to his feet and races out of sight. Pushing Minho and Thomas to the ground without any effort.

Ren comes to her senses and pushes Newt off her.

"You let him get away," she snaps. The sirens still going off.

"Your welcome," Newt mutters. The sound of feet breaks the joyful couple.

Minho gets up and helps Thomas up also. Minho dusts the imaginary dust off of his jeans.

"Time to go," Ren says with big eyes. Quickly she turns and runs down the corridor away from the sound of people.

They all race down the hallway and down stairs not trusting elevators.

"Who are those people," Thomas asks.

"I have no clue and I have no intentions on meeting them," She says quickly not looking up from the stairs, careful to not miss a single step that would send her tumbling down, "Okay enough of this. Time to be dauntless."

"Wha-" Thomas starts, but doesn't finish as Ren just jumps over the railing down the never ending flights of stairs to the bottom.

"WOOO HOOO !" You hear her scream as she descends.

"Keep going," Minho orders as he races down the steps.

Ren lands on the ground and tumbles forward a bit. She sits on the floor to catch her breath from the adrenaline rush she just had. She hears the boy's voices and footsteps racing down the stairs as she breaths in and out.

She closes her eyes for a little longer catching her breath, then springs back up onto her two feet. Ren looks around the room for a door or window...something to break out of this tower. She sees a door with EXIT printed above in glowing green letters.

"Helpful," she mutters as she walks to the door and pushes it open.

Finally, the boys finish the stairs. Panting like crazy.

"Took you long enough," she says holding the door open from the outside.

Minho rolls his eyes and replies, "Well, we're not superhuman so..."

"Mutant," Ren corrects as the boys pile out of the building into the smokey outside. Surprisingly the air is breathable, but still has a smokey tint to it.

"Okay," Ren says clapping her hands together,"They'll notice we're gone sooner or later. Especially since that yahoo we ran into tripped the alarm. We better go."

"How exactly are we going to do that," Thomas says.

Ren smirks, "With one of these babies." She pats the hood of an beige car.

"You know how to drive," Newt says shocked, pointing at Ren. Still smiling she shakes her head.

"I've played Mario Kart if that counts. But, neither do you shanks so get in the back and let's roll out."

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