Chapter 15

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This song is for later in the story. The Only Exception by Paramore.

Ren paces back and forth in her bedroom. The fading sunlight makes the room dark and cold. She mutters her thoughts while running a hand through her hair.

She's so focused with her thoughts she doesn't even realize her boyfriend is leaning in the doorway listening to everything she says, or is trying to.

"I mean I can't..." she mutters, "What if to many outcomes. Maybe many would die. I should...nah-"

"Maybe you should quit bloody pacing back and forth and relax," Newt suggests.

Ren looks up from the floor, biting her finger nails on her right hand, left holding her hair. She lets the hand fall out of her mouth to her side. She gives a small smile before going back to her stressed expression.

"What's wrong," Newt asks walking over to her, limp barely visible.

She sighs before answering, "Where should I start?"

"The beginning," Newt says. Ren smiles.

"Okay," she takes a big breath before speaking really fast, "My used to be best friend is being a complete asshole now, why I don't know. My world is collapsing. A power hungry god still wants me for more power. A little while ago Fury asked me to help with a battle plan against Loki, and I don't even know where to start!"

"And I need to master my powers. Not to mention I'm part alien. And then I'm being a terrible girlfriend and not having time for you to just hang out! I haven't even helped you try to get back to your realm. Thor needs to help me with doing that. You might not want to go back by the way. I know your...story and how it ends. That's another thing, you might need to read the books. And my sister will not get off my back...those are some of the things that are bugging me."

Newt stands speechless. His hands rest on Ren's shoulders. He stares into her hazel eyes, as they well up with tears.

In her eyes you can see how she's slowly breaking down. Her hair, once red and brown is now full of gray hairs. Slowly going back to normal color due to healing abilities.

"What should I do," Ren cries out tears falling down her face. Newt hugs Ren not letting her go.

He sighs, "I-I don't know." She hugs him tighter.

"Maybe we should break up," she mutters in his shirt.

"What? Why," Newt says worried.

"I love you Newt, I really do with all my heart," Ren says honestly, "It's just... I just have so much on my plate and and... it's to much stress and-"

He shakes his head, "I completely understand, but..." he trails off. Ren stands there, hugging him for a few minutes. Tears still streaming down Ren's face.

"You are the only exception."
Newt listens to her voice as tears stream down his face.

"Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul
That love never lasts.
And we've got to find other ways to make it alone.
Or keep a straight face."

"And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance.
And up until now I have sworn to myself
That I'm content with loneliness."

"Because none of it was ever worth the risk."

"Well you are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception."

"I've got a tight grip on reality,
But I can't let go of what's in front of me here.
I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up.
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream.

"You are the only exception. [4x]"

"You are the only exception. [x4]"

"And I'm on my way to believing.
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing." Ren finishes, a complete reck. Sobbing hysterically. She kisses him once more.

"I love you so much," he says kisses her forehead. As they stand in the darkness of the room.

Thomas and Minho stand at the door, ear pressed against it. Their faces have shock written all over them. They look at each other.

"Oh my god..." Minho whispers.

"They...broke up..." Thomas whispers to the empty house.

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