Chapter 9

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Slowly Ren opens her eyes to a girl with blonde hair and a lime green streak, inches from her face. Her blue eyes blinking a few times.

"Hiya," the girls says. Ren screams and falls off the table she was on, onto the wooden floor. Taking the thin white blanket with her. The strange girl jumps and disappears. Only to reappear seconds later.

Ren sits on the floor, rubbing the part of her head that hit the floor the hardest.

"Oops, sorry...I didn't mean to scare you," the girl says, her voice sounds delicate and fantasy like.

"Kinda hard not to scare someone who wakes up with a stranger two centimeters from my face," Ren mumbles slowly standing up. Using the table to help.

"I forgot to introduce myself, Luna," She says holding her hand out.

"Ren," Ren says skeptically. Luna giggles.

"Everyone knows you, your pretty much famous here and in the burning city a.k.a New York," She explains looking out one of the windows. Her palm pressed against the glass, thinking of another memory. The escape.

Ren is unsure about this girl. There's something peculiar with her. A good different. And...familiar.

"Are you thirsty or hungry?" She asks looking back at Ren. Before Ren could answer she leaves the room to get her a glass of water and a sandwich.

"Okay then...." Ren says. Her eyes wander around the room. Looking at the wooden shelves packed with jars of swabs, cotton balls, gauze, that kind of stuff.

She starts tapping her fingers out if boredom. Again, she looks around the room, only this time she notices a beige metal closet. Like one you would see at a school. If they still had those.

She slips off the table, curious about what's in the closet. With each step she takes she looks at the door, making sure Luna doesn't come bursting in on her snooping through stuff.

Finally, her hand reaches the handle and pulls the door open. Again face to face with a human being. A grown man, with brown hair a little bit spiky, in a old timy suit stands inside the closet looking at a pocket watch.

[A/N: picture above or side or idk it's the picture]


"AH!" He screams back at her sudden outburst. Eyes wide.



"WHO ARE YOU?" Ren screams.

"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?" He screams back.

"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!" Ren screams back pointing both open hands out at the man.

Ren calms down when Luna walks in with a sandwich and an apple on a plate, and water bottle in hand, completely calm. Ren points a finger at the man in the closet. Who puts his hands up in surrender.

"Who the hell is that, and why is he in a medicine closet?" Ren asks looking Luna dead in the eye.

Luna sets the food on one of the counters, "Flynn you didn't spook the poor girl did you?"

"Spook? He scared the heck out of me!" Ren says throwing her arms in the air, "Wait, Flynn? Don't tell me he's a librarian 'cause if he is then I'll freak."

[A/N if you get that we are best friends and hi-five.]

They all stay silent, giving her weird looks.

"Why would I be a librarian, we're in a war," Flynn says stepping out of the closet into the medical room.

"No, Flynn is my mentor and guardian," Luna clarifies. Flynn walks straight out the door mumbling things to himself.

"What was he-"

"We don't really know, they say he's mad. I say he's brilliant," Luna says leading Ren back to sit onto the table, handing her her lunch.

"It's funny how those two are so easily mixed up," Ren chuckles quietly to herself looking at the floor. Playing with her fingers once again. Luna pushes the plate closer to Ren so it pokes her thigh to get her attention.

"Eat, or I get your special friend in here," Luna says wiggling her eyebrows.

"One, I've known you for like 12 minutes. Two, how old are you exactly?" Ren asks unscrewing the cap on the plastic water bottle.

"Fifteen, and everyone knows you have a special friend," Luna says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Really who?" Ren asks to see if she would be correct. Kat starts taking a swing from her bottled water.

Luna jumps onto the table with Ren and nudges Ren's side, "The tall blonde with an attractive friend."

"Thomas?" Ren asks.

"Depends, does he have black spiky hair and buff." Ren starts laughing so hard she falls onto the floor. Tears coming out of her eyes.

Just then the door opens back up to see Ren acting like a maniac and the doctor doing nothing about just watching, looking a tad offended. Newt stands in the doorway.

"They said I'd find you here," he says Ren. Who sounds like a dying seal at the moment....well a dying seal being suffocated.

Slowly Ren stops, and starts to control her breathing. She pushes herself from the floor using the table to help.

"Sorry, something funny happened," Ren clears her throat, "Luna, Newt, Newt, Luna. Great we all know each other!"

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