Chapter 11

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Ren walks back into the cafeteria and slowly sits down on the bench near Newt. He instantly wraps an arm around her. Everyone else unaware of her presence continues with their conversations.

"Everything okay," he whispers.

"Peachy," Ren replies going back to her potatoes.

Jack finally notices her presences, "So, you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just needed some air," she lies, smiling.

"Okay, I think we all need to go to bed, Minho, Tommy comin' ?" Newt says standing up. They both nod their heads and follow Newt and Ren out the door into the night.

"Where exactly are we," Ren gestures to all three boys, "living?"

"On the tour, Jackson showed us our cabin. We all share it. It has: four bedroom, four bathrooms, kitchen, and living room." Thomas explains.

"Great," Ren mutters to herself sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

They reach the brown cabin in few minutes. Minho throws open the door. It swings out and hits the outside with a bang.

"WELCOME HOME SHANKS!" He yells. They all hear a small shut up of a used to be sleeping person in the distance.

Newt and Thomas grab Ren's hands as they drag her up the staircase. Minho in the lead. Thomas kicks open a door to reveal: a king sized mattress, nightstand, window, and a dresser. Thomas let's go of her hand and jumps onto the bed. Landing like a seastar.

"Happy much?" Ren says chuckling crossing her arms.

"Strange isn't it?" Minho says from behind before jumping onto Thomas who let's out an 'oof' when he lands.

"Boys will be boys," Ren mutters.

"What was that," Newt says smiling.

"Nothing," Ren replies walking away.

"I think I heard 'boys will be boys' ." He says following her down the stairs.

"You're delusional," Ren teases. He points to himself.

"Me, your bloody insane," He laughs.

"Insane, not delusional Newtie," she spins to face him. Smirk plastered on her face.

"Stop with the nickname will you," he whines. She shakes her head and turns around to run.

She makes it to the living room. Jumping onto the beat up forest green couch with a plaid red fleece blanket hanging on the back.

Newt follows her path around the house. Walking around. He finally reaches the back of the couch. Slight snoring could be heard from the other side of it.

He peers his head over the couch to see the sleeping figure of Ren. Mouth slightly open, drool slowly dripping from the corner of her mouth, arms and legs splayed everywhere, and mumbling incoherent things. He can catch a thing or to though. He heard: no, papaya, and my Popsicle.

He covers her with the flannel blanket and kisses her forehead. He starts walking back upstairs. The two boys run up screaming and Minho tackles Newt to the floor.

"NEWTIE SAVE ME MY PRECIOUS NEWTIE," He screams impersonating Ren. Doing a terrible job of doing so though.

"Will you bloody shut up, Ren is sleeping," Newt whispers.

"Has Newt gone soft," Minho says to Thomas, while Newt just rolls his eyes. They both grin and start poking Newt saying "Newt has a girlfriend."

"And you both are bloody children, goodnight," Newt grumbles walking into his room shutting the door in both Thomas's and Minho's face.

"He's changed," Minho whispers to Thomas.

"So I've heard," Thomas replies.

"I can hear every word you shanks say," Newt says from inside his room.

They both shrug and leave Newt to sleep.


"She looks so innocent when she sleeps," Thomas says.

"Yeah," Minho scoffs, "She's a complete angel." He says sarcastically, remembering the time she almost killed him.

"To me she is," Newt says standing over Ren with the other two. Thomas and Minho look at Newt with the "seriously" looks. "What? I can't say that about my girlfriend?" Minho rolls his eyes.

"On three..." Minho says.




"GOOD MORNING REN!" They all scream. Ren's eyes shoot open and she rolls onto the floor quickly. Almost immediately her sword appears in her hands and she pins the closest person (who happened to be Minho) to the wall blade at his throat.

"Bloody hell," she mutters and drops the sword. She lets the metal seep back into her bloodstream. "Guys, don't do that!"

"IT WAS THOMAS'S IDEA!" Newt and Minho both yell at the same time pointing to Thomas who rolls his eyes.

"It was all Minho," Thomas says.

"Thomas don't worry I believe you," he lets out a sigh of relief, "You're to much of a goody two shoes to plan something like that."

Everyone breaks out laughing, except Thomas who just glares.

"Welp, I'm going to go take a shower. Later losers." Ren says and walks up the stairs.


If you haven't noticed, I'm not updating as quickly. It's because I haven't been writing as frequently for this book. I have ideas and stuff, just trying to fit it all in. And getting stuff in order.

And if you noticed I said this book, because I may or may not be working on another book I might publish. It's TMNT...don't judge me they're awesome.

And I just don't feel the same motivation as I did when I wrote the first book. But no doubt I will continue this book until it's finished.

And one last thing, I don't feel as connected with you guys! I just wanted to add that.

Anyways, ta ta for now,


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