Chapter 44

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Newt, Minho, and Thomas walk through the forest each with a light pack. Minho and Tom are joking and goofing around while Newt hangs out behind the two, silent. He limps along staring at the forest floor.

"Newt, you okay?" Tommy asks with worry as he looks behind him at the heartbroken boy.

"Yeah, Tommy I'm fine," Newt responds quietly.

Minho now turns around and faces the boy, "Listen, we get it you thought she was the one, I did too, but you gotta suck it up and walk along or else you're going to crash and burn. So get up and walk shuckface."

"And that is Minho trying his best at sentiment," Tommy says. Minho just rolls his eyes and pushes Tom playfully.

"I guess you're right." Newt mumbles.

" 'Course I'm right, I always am," The runner responds turning around with his famous (and obnoxious) smirk.

"Sure whatever helps you sleep," Newt says with a small smile.

"See there he is," Tommy says punching Newt in the shoulder with a big smile.

Meanwhile. . .

"THIS WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA!" Ren screams at the top of her lungs as she battles more HYDRA soldiers with her silver sword.

"No shit," Tony says through his mask as he shoots more soldiers with his repulser blasters in the rugged old parking lot. Just then Hulk comes running through bashing through a troop of the enemy. The Avengers + Ren and Riley decided its a good time for a code green.

"Ren I swear if you die I'm going to use some hoodoo voodoo shit from Doctor Strange and bring you back, just so I can kill you for getting into this stupid situation," Riley screams as she punches a soldier in the throat then kicks him in the stomach.

"Rule one of magic Riley," Ren says punching a guy in the face, "All magic comes with a price. "

"Just shut up and punch," Clint orders. When he's out if earshot Ren mimics him just as she kicks a man in the groin then kicks his head when he falls to his knees.

Cap looks at the number of soldiers compared to his group and decides it's better to retreat and fight another day.

"Fall out," He yells at his little group as they all run away and back into their secure place in the forest where, by law, they can't be harmed.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

"Well, that sucked," Ren says breaking the silence of the group as they trudge through the forest. Riley bumps her shoulder slightly against Ren in a friendly way.

"Come on it's not that bad lil' sis," Riley says.

"Don't call me Lil' sis, sister, or sis, those names annoy me," Ren says glaring at Riley, "You know that."

"Well. . .too bad," Riley says.

"Ugh I'm done with this," Ren says falling backwards with outstretched arms onto the hard forest floor. Riley winces as her sister makes a loud thud sound when she lands. "Huh, guess you gain weight when your blood turns sorta metal like. "

"Does that hurt," Clint asks as he gathers around Ren who has her eyes closed.


Romanoff rolls her eyes and walks over and looks down at the girl, "Get up, we're not much farther, only about a few miles left. "

"Yeah, well screw that I'm not moving," Ren mutters. Now Steve stands next to Natasha with his arms crossed.

"Ren stop fooling around, we gotta move," Steve orders. She rolls her eyes under her eyelids then stands up.

"Fine Captain," Ren says sarcastically before walking foreword.

Voices. They all heard the voices. Three, all male. And one Ren thought she wouldn't hear for a while.

Newt, Tommy, and Minho appear in view from another direction. The trio stops and stares at the group of hero's (more or less). Newt and Ren stare at each other for a few seconds before looking away.

No one says anything till Minho bursts out, "Wow you can just feel the awkward in the air. "

"Gentleman," Steve acknowledges.

"Capsical," Minho responds earning a whack upside the head from Tommy.

Riley states the obvious and says, "This is. . .weird." Ren nods in agreement. The curly haired girl notices Tom and Minho giving her dirty looks.

"What," She snaps.

"You know what," Newt says stepping forward in front of the other two toward Ren who does the same. They meet in the middle inches apart. Riley pushes the group back a bit before the fighting starts.

"Look I'm sor-"

"Save it Ren," He hisses, "I don't want to hear any excuses or lies."

"Well, isn't that great to know you trust me," Ren says sarcastically.

"I don't," he yells.

"Smart choice," She yells back, "Look," she lowers her voice and speaks each word as their own, "I. Didn't. Kiss. Jack."

"I know."

"You may not- wait what. "

"I talked to him after you left," Newt says, "What I don't understand is why you bloody kissed him the first time and why you lied."

"Influence of that shucked up stuff, my guess, "Ren says before narrow her eyes, "I lied 'cause you were being selfish and didn't want me to risk my life to save an entire planet. Who does that? One life is not as important as 6 billion others. I'm guessing six cause 2 billion have probably been slaughtered.

"so, am I forgiven?" Ren asks with pleading eyes.

"Forgiven yes, but we are not going to work out with you and your lies."

"Wow didn't sugar coat that did ya'," Ren responds turning and walking back to the group.

"Wait, why are you all sweaty and dirty," Newt calls out. Ren looks over her shoulder and glares at the boy.

"I'm doing the highly important job that you kept me from dumbass."

So, that was crappy. Don't worry it's a filler chapter that sorta has to do with the story just to keep it moving along.

Mm' Kay Bye

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