Chapter 25

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Meanwhile at the Camp....

Fury runs a hand over his face as he hears the news about Ren and some of his ex-agents. He dismisses the agent only for Natasha to take her place.

"What now Ramanoff," Fury asks.

"Sir, Johnny left with Riley," Natasha informs. Fury groans.

"Find them Romanoff," Fury orders," Don't let Loki get to them."

"Should we continue with the plan," Natasha asks.

"Yes," Fury replies Natasha starts to walk out of the room. "Oh and Natasha."

"Yes sir?"

"Don't let anyone find out about this, especially the teams." Natasha hesitates before answering.

"Yes sir."

In the Burning City (A.K.A New York)...

"Okay, this decision will change your entire life, " Luna says very seriously, "Truth or Dare?"

That's right they're playing Truth or Dare and it is Ren's turn. By they I mean Newt, Minho, Thomas, Luna, Ren, Johnny, Logan, and Bumblebee.

[i realized I didn't bring Logan along when I was supposed to so just pretend he was came along]

After they all explained who they are and why they're here with Bee the "kids" decided to play Truth or Dare to pass the time while the "adults" decide what to do next. Not like Ren wanted to do that though, she's rather sit through one of her sister's lectures then come up with the next move.

"Okay, truth," Ren says.

"Boring!" Johnny yells which results with a slap upside the head from Ren's sister who's passing by.

"Okay, Ren, if you had to date a non-human thing what would it be," Luna asks.

"Bumblebee," Ren answers. Bee's cheek plates blush red, who knew robots could blush.

Newt points a finger at Bee," Stay away from her she's my bloody girlfriend."

"Technically I'm not-"

"You're my girlfriend."

"Okay then, " Ren says she looks at the group, an evil smirk on her face she looks at Johnny, "Pick your choice Jonathan."

"Dare," Johnny answers.

"Okay do the Caramelldnasen dance," Ren dares.

[if you don't know what that is here's the link if you're on a phone press select, define, search web]

"Can't there's no music," Johnny says trying to weasel his way out of pure humiliation. Bee plays the song on over his radio. "Thank you Bee."

Johnny stands up from his spot on the floor and puts his hands on top of his head and dances with the song. Ren starts laughing so hard she starts snorting. Everyone joins in laughing along with Ren. Soon enough the song ends and Johnny sits back down.

"Ha ha so funny," Johnny replies sarcastically rolling his eyes," Skye truth or dare."

"Dare," Skye answers still laughing slightly.

"I dare you to kiss me," Johnny says. Ward overhears this and walks over.

"Okay game over. We need to find the other Autobots they could help us. That way we have two advantages," Ward orders.

"Who or what is the other advantage Ward?" Ren asks raising an eyebrow.

"You," Ward responds.

Ren shakes her head," I've never been in battle much less war. So if that's the plan count me out."

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