Chapter 16

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Ren lays under a mound of blankets tossing and turning, trying to clear her mind of all thoughts. She buries her face in the pillow, then flips it to the cool side. She fluffs it up, then punches it.

"Why can't I sleep," she whines, falling face first into the pillow. She turns her head to look at the clock on her dresser.


She turns on the light and sighs in defeat.

"No chance in sleeping," she looks out the window into the starry night, "Might as well be awake."

Slowly Ren tosses the covers away and slips on some combat boots over her feet. Quietly she slips a black sweatshirt over her head. Ren makes her way over to the window throwing it open.

She meets the cold air. The scent of ash barely noticeable. The only light is the full moon slowly sinking away.

Ren swings her legs out the window and jumps. She flips in the air, not noticing the bush under her. Her body crashes into the branchy mess. Scraping her arms and legs. The one that hurts the most is a black, long, skinny gash along her calf. Almost immediately it starts to heal. Disappearing from view.

"My parents should of named me Grace," she mumbles. Her hand pulls the twigs and leaves out of her hair and throws them on the ground. She shakes off the dirt from her clothes.

She stands up and starts walking away from the mangled bush like nothing happened (like anyone saw, NO ONE IS UP AT 4:30!)

"Lady Barnes why are you awake," Thor asks looking at Ren. He stands there a confused expression on his face.

"I could ask the same for you," Ren says crossing her arms.

"Night patrol, along with Steve and Peter," Thor gestures to the two behind him. Peter falling asleep on Steve's shoulder, drooling a bit. Steve looks uncomfortable with the situation. He looks up from Peter and smiles at Ren.

She nods her head slowly, "I couldn't sleep," she answers not taking her eyes off of the two. She slips out her phone (yep, she got her phone back, thanks to Tony) and snaps a photo, forgetting to take off the flash. The bright light awakes Peter, causing him to jump off Steve. He rubs his eyes and looks at Ren.

"Ren? What are you doing up," Peter asks.

"Not sleeping," Ren replies. Peter rolls his eyes. Thor and Steve leave them to have their own little conversation...about Ren helping with the battle plan.

"Any specific reason," Peter asks sitting down on a log by an empty fire pit. Ren hesitates to answer.

"Um...yeah...there is," Ren says drawing in the dirt with her foot. Her eyes focus on the ground.

"Will you tell me the reason," Peter asks slowly.

Ren shakes her head no, then hesitantly nods her head yes. Sucking in a big breath she let's out the news, "I'm pregnant."

Peter's jaw drops, "wh-wha what!? Are you serious?!" He grips her shoulders. He starts rambling on and on, while Ren just stands there a dying seal.

He stops, "Why are you laughing this is serious!"

"No," Ren smiles, "It's not, because you are so gullible! That's not the news!"

"It's not," Peter says confused, "then what is it?"

Ren's smile drops. She looks at the floor, tears threatening to fall. She sniffles and sucks it up. Her hazel eyes lift up to meet his brown.

"Newt and I... are uh..." She tries to find a simple way to put the news," we're um.." she flips the hair out of her face with the flick of her head, "We're taking a break for a while."

"I'm sorry," Peter says hugging Ren. But on the inside, he feels the exact opposite.


This was a terrible written filler chapter.... BIG PLANS ARE IN STORE MWA HA HA! I wrote ahead (starting to get back in the groove) and I want to publish the next two chapters! AGAHSHJSIDJ!

Ta ta for now,


The regrets of Katherine Barnesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें