Queen K is Back

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Chapter 17

The Cavaliers Academy was in a state of pandemonium. Literally, pandemonium. Every girl burst into a panic state when they saw a familiar pink car entering the school gate.

"Omo. Omo. Omo. I wish nobody saw me bumping at him yesterday." One girl muttered to herself, clutching her chest.

"I wish I never put that love letter in his locker. What am I thinking?!! I am so dead now." Another girl banged her head to the wall.

"Why is she here already? Isn't she supposed to come next month? I just confessed to him last week. Aish. Annyeong C.A! This maybe is my last week here."

Meanwhile, another girl's hand flew onto her forehead while mumbling to herself. "I need to remember. I need to remember. Did I ever look him in the eyes? Ah chaebal. I did, didn't I? Oh yeah, of course I look him in the eyes. It looks so dreamy..."

Every girl in the school tried to remember if they had any encounters with the said boy, and most of them regretted that they had. They were so happy at that moment when they finally had the rare chance to talk to him or to stare at his beautiful face, but now that the queen is back. They wish they could have stopped themselves. Well, as if they really can.

Luhan was basically the magnet of every girl's attention in the academy. He was so popular that even girls in other school would march in CA to have a glimpse of the renowned school prince. Unfortunately for them, he is also the apple of the eye of the school's resident brat, Krystal or as most student calls her...

"Queen K," the girl in the utmost front of the crowd whispered, "really is back."

The pink car stopped in front of the students and from it, emerged a guy wearing a black suit. He immediately turned around and opened the door in the backseat of the car where it revealed a girl with long straight blonde hair. She was wearing her uniform's blazer all buttoned-up, with a black knee high socks partnered with a fancy black painter's hat. Her eyelashes flicked as she looked up and received her red bag from her bodyguard. Her lips were pressed in a straight line as she scanned the crowd for the only person she cared for in this school. The students parted ways, as if moved by her gazed.

"Where is he?" the girl muttered. "I even texted him last night that I will come today!"

She sashayed into the path that the students created for her, not meeting anybody's eyes. But as she walked closer to the middle of the crowd, she finally found the boy that she was looking for.

"Oppa!" she yelled happily but the guy was looking intently behind her. Curious, the blonde girl turned around and witnessed a convoy of three cars stopped in front of them, where three guys wearing uniformed black suits run towards the car in the middle. They opened the door of the black Cadillac to reveal a fair-skinned girl with brown wavy hair that falls below her waist. Just like her, she was wearing their checkered green blazer uniform all buttoned up, her white skin illuminating her innocent face. She brushed her bangs with her fingers before she got her bag from one of her bodyguards.

"Sulli-yah!" the latter girl heard her name from the crowd of students and searched for the owner of the voice that called her.

"Luhan?" she uttered as she watched the pink-haired boy jog towards her.

Meanwhile, in the background, the whispering of the students grew louder and louder.

"What's with the grand entrance? And where's Kai?"

"Oh he's in the last car. He doesn't want to ride in the same car with me with all this 'drama', he said." Sulli finally noticed the unusual crowding of people beside them and asked about it. "What's with the school today?"

The boy only shrugged his shoulder, "I don't know." He totally failed to notice the girl who heartily called out his name earlier.

The two walked together to their classroom, chatting happily, not realizing that a pair of eyes was following them, and silently plotting the meanest scheme of the year.

≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

Baekhyun was walking along the corridors of the school when he witnessed a horde of students slowly clearing the area. "Uh-oh." He recognized a familiar crowding of people that happens every year; every time a certain girl decided that it's time to go to school.

His suspicion was proven correct when he passed a group of girls gossiping about it, and he was instantly alarmed. Ever since Sulli accepted Luhan's friendship, the boy basically didn't stay away from the girl, to the point that if he can be allowed to enter the girl's washroom, he will not think twice to go there and follow Sulli. And that is the reason why he was worried. They can't be seen together, he thought. It will stir up a big trouble.

He spotted Kai walking towards their class too and yelled his name. Kai looked over his shoulder and stopped when he saw Baekhyun running towards him.


"Bwo?! Is that how you greeted your best friend?" Baekhyun complained. "Anyway, Sulli's not with you?"


"Why? You always come together to school lately."

Although Kai and Sulli agreed that they will act like they are dating, it was not known to their school, and even to his friends or Woo Ri. They agreed to keep their fake relationship for the "report purposes" only, meaning it was only exposed to their families. With this, they are not require to lie to many people, especially to their friends. Baekhyun just assumed that Kai's mother ordered his friend to pick up Sulli every day and come to school together, so it didn't really bug him.

"She brought an entire squad of black suits here so I didn't walked with her."

"What? Why?-Oh nevermind. How about Luhan? Have you seen him yet?"


Baekhyun dragged his hand on his face. "Oh boy. We have a big problem here. Did you heard who just came to school?"

"Err. Us?"

Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"It's Krystal you idiot!"


"SOooo, if she saw Sulli and Luhan together; you know-."

Kai didn't let the smaller guy finished his sentence and sprinted towards their classroom. Of course, he knows what will happen next. He heard about it so many times and also from his most reliable source, his girlfriend. Although he was not sure if she's going to do it in front of Luhan or not; he can't risked it to happen to Sulli.

Kai run with all his might to their room with Baekhyun on his tail. The two ascended the stairs with three steps at a time and in a matter of minutes, they were inside their classroom, both catching their breath.

But the scene that greeted them was not what they were expecting.

"What?" Baekhyun spoke, "No Krystal here?" The guy was surprised to see that their room was calm and the two persons that they were worrying about were laughing in their chairs.

Sulli finally spotted her fiancé inside the room after wiping a tear from her eye. "Kai! What took you so long?" she called out to him, not realizing that the two guys were breathing heavily and both clutching their stomachs.

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