Living with the Kims and Two Kais

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Chapter 8

Sulli arrived at the Kim’s mansion just in time for dinner. It was not as huge as their own manor but it was equally handsome, especially its green garden lighted by London-ish street lamps. She noticed a sort of a small, man-made pond as they passed through, with cute little bridge perched over it and was surrounded with beautiful wooden benches. The house looks more up-to-date than their Victorian-inspired house, though. It was edgy and more artistic; definitely Madame Kim’s style. Many portions of its walls are made of tempered glass where you can see the grand staircase and have a few glimpse of the insides of the house.

Her mother-in-law and the little ring-bearer in the party were already waiting for her, together with a few maids that were neatly lined up behind their backs. Her driver opened the car door and helped her get off the car.

“Sulli, dear, I missed you already!” was the greetings that she received from Madame Kim, beside the tight hug and few kisses.

After she was released from the embrace of the mistress of the house, Sulli stooped down and pinched the cheek of the tiny child beside them and smiled wildly at him. She really is mesmerized by the cuteness of the little boy.

“I expect you’re hungry? Let’s just continue the welcome rites inside.”

Sulli pulled her brows together, confused. “Welcome… rites?”

She opened her mouth again to say something but she was cut off by her in-law, ushering her eagerly slash roughly inside, with the small kid trying to keep up with them by tugging on his mother’s skirt.

The maids opened the dining room’s glass door for them and helped them be seated on their chairs. Sulli sat on the chair opposite her brother-in-law and lifted her gaze to him after she was settled on her seat. To her disbelief, the boy rolled his eyes to her. Hah, she snorted, Little Kai!

Madame Kim ordered one of the maids to call her eldest son, but when the maid was about to leave, Kai was already opening the door and came strolling into the room. He sat down on the chair beside Sulli without looking at her. He was pissed because he has to hang in the house on the last night of the long weekend to welcome Sulli and played boyfriend to her instead of playing Dota with his friends. He might have dropped the first bomb of his attack at their engagement last night but he was definitely not in the mood to be nice now and made no attempt of hiding his annoyance.

But she thought he was like that because he does not want her to stay. Look, if you don’t want me to be here then that makes the two of us! She was instantly annoyed too. She almost thought that he was cool about her staying in his house since he teased her on the subject yesterday but now he was giving her the cold gaze. Definitely a jerk. Are you like, having a PMS or something? She thought sourly.

The dinner went quietly--at least for the three of them because Madame Kim didn’t even stop blabbering about Sulli’s stay in their house. She boasted that she immediately hired an interior designer when she got her father’s approval, and got as many people as possible to finish the redecoration of the two guest rooms in a few days; the other room was turned into a walk-in closet. “All your things where unpacked and was arranged already,” she told her.

Sulli’s lips curved slightly in a faint smile as she talks, because she doesn’t want to be rude by ignoring her in-law when she took too much pain trying to make her stay in their house comfortable. Besides, she was really grateful.

Kai,on the other hand, played again with his food, but there were two of them now; he and his little brother, who were absolutely uninterested on what their mother was saying. They took glimpses of her a few times, and rolled their eyes.

“I bought some of your things—bags, watches and shoes,” she said after a few seconds passed following her last sentence.

“Oh yeah, we added a few shelves too, the half of the other room was turned into a miniature library, sort of, beside your closet. You’re father’s secretary said you loved to read. I loved to read too! – Ooops!” she paused and was perplexed briefly. “I shouldn’t have told you that. It’s supposed to be a surprise…”

Two pairs of eyes rolling in here.

“How about we go shopping sometime? Oh, that will be amazing!”

More rolling in here.

After dinner, Madame Kim toured her inside the mansion. She then realized that she wasn’t missing anything from their own house, because they pretty much have everything in here too. They even have their own spa salon. Sweet.

Madame Kim then led her to the newly redecorated two-rooms-turned-into-one that she was talking about. She thought that she has to witness Sulli’s reaction when her will-be-daughter-in-law sees it. And Sulli did not fail her. She was too delighted with the chamber that she unexpectedly kissed her in-law’s cheek, and giggled. She admired it more when she saw her mini-library already filled with her favorite collections and with a beautiful white vintage reading chair and study table. She has her own library! It was all that she wanted, the massive walk-in closet filled with designer bags, dresses and shoes have minimal effects on her. But to surround herself with beautiful books, a bribe maybe, she felt for the first time that she might get happy living in here.

The room was so relaxing inside, the combination of the colors are soft and calming, and all the furniture has a touch of vintage on it, just like what she wanted. “I thought you might like classic, old-fashioned stuff,” Madame Kim told her.

“Like?” She exclaimed. Duh. “I love them! I am totally blown away. Thank you so much!” She stopped running her finger in a shelf. “But how do you know?”

“It kind of reflects in your personality. You looked like the type.” She smiled. “I’m happy that you like it.”

Madame Kim watched Sulli for a moment before she said her good night. “Well, I think I must leave you now. You have school tomorrow, right? You should probably get some rest soon.” She walked towards her, lifted her hands to her and sincerely told her, “I really really wanted to have a daughter, thank you for agreeing to this,” she smiled. “Good night… my child.” And she kissed Sulli’s forehead before she sashayed out of the room.

Sulli doesn’t know what to feel. She wanted to be angry to all of them for making decisions again for her, and that she has no choice but to follow it. But with Madame Kim’s affection towards her, she felt like it was okay, good even. They found in each other the things that they always hope for. A daughter, for Madame Kim and for Sulli, a love that her father can never give. For a moment, she found real joy being engaged to Kai and the Kim family.

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