Their First Business Deal

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Chapter 14

Saturday afternoon, Sulli found Kai willingly accompanying her and Madame Kim in their shopping-In-law's bonding, as she called it. And as if that wasn't weird enough, he was acting so warm towards her. He opened doors for her, helped her get into their car, held onto the small of her back as she walked down the stairs, carried her buys, and even smiled gorgeously at her once in a while.

"What do you think, Kai?" Madame Kim asked him as Sulli presented the dress her in-law chose for her.

"I think it's pretty. You're pretty." He answered. "It fits you well, but I think it's better in white. And I know you like it in white, too."

Another creepy act of cordiality. She fought to narrow her eyes but Madame Kim can't help but squinted to her son before she turned her head and looked over the girl.

"No, I think red's fine. But do you really like it in white, dear?"

"Y-yes." She stammered.

Kai then turned promptly to the sales lady and asked if they have it in white.


"Please let her try the white one."

With a nod, the sales lady left them after she ushered Sulli back inside the fitting room.

"So when did you filled up each other's slam book?" Madame Kim teasingly asked her son.

"Weeks of living together should let us know at least a thing about each other, right?"

"Yeah, I think you've gotten a little close," she grinned.

"We're still warming up, mom."

"You should be. I'm glad knowing-each-other stage has finally begun. But I hope you'll learn more about her, not just her favorite color."

"We have a lifetime to discover everything about each other. It's not like we're going to call off the engagement tomorrow."

"No. We're not calling it off tomorrow or EVER! We're keeping her." She said firmly.

Kai knowingly smiled at his mother. "That's what I'm saying."

Sulli walked out of the fitting room with her white dress-happier. And her sexy curls were hanging like brown velvet on her shoulder, all the way down her waist. The brightness from her spotless dress radiating on her small face. Her sweet smile, sweeter.

"I can't believe this boy is right." Madame Kim smiled, "Its better in white." She then turned to the sales lady. "Wrap them all up, including the red one. I really like that."

They spent the whole afternoon rummaging all the stores in the Il Duce Mall. With Madame Kim paying attention to the operation of their business, asking Sulli once in a while on what she thought about it.

"I like it that the mall caters to all, not just for the rich people. You can see that a lot of middle class family go in here too. It's good that the management didn't focus on renting its space to the high end brands, but let a fair share of economical boutiques to penetrate." Sulli said, nodding her head.

"A mall should be a place where all people would enjoy themselves, where family could bond, where teens could shop freely, where kids could play. The class of people shouldn't matter." Kai cut in, which actually surprised Sulli. She never thought he has interest in this industry, or even care. "And it should be a place where people feel safe. I think we need to tighten our security. There's a lot of news about armed people being able to pass through the malls. And I noticed our security ain't inspecting thoroughly. I think we should assigned more guards to patrol in the area."

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