Ziyu's Day with Noona

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Chapter 26

The classes had already ended but Kai has no intention of leaving the school with Woo Ri still mad at him.

"Kai aren't you supposed to take Ziyu out today?" Sulli reminded him when he told her to go ahead because he wanted to patch things up with his girlfriend.

The boy frustratingly dragged his hand down his face. Ziyu. He totally forgot about his brother. "Aish... Yeah, I promised to watch a movie with him... Hey, can you take him out?"

"What? Kai, you know that Ziyu doesn't like me. Besides, you promised to go with him."

"I know. But I can't let Woo Ri break up with me. I want to fix this mess today."

"Look, I know how important Woo Ri is to you... I understand that. But can't you just postpone it and talk to her tomorrow? Kai, this is your little brother. You know how already upset he was yesterday."

"Yeah, but-"

"UGH!" Sulli sighed, disappointed. "You. Are. Such. A. Bad. Person..." She uttered every single word heavily, emphasizing her point. "Okay, I'll take Ziyu to the movie but you have to come later!"

"Sure. I'll try."

"NO! Kaiiii! You MUST come! Don't disappoint your brother Kai."

"Yeah. Okay! Okay! I'll come later." Kai promised as he opened the car door for Sulli.

"Chincha?" Sulli had to make sure before she got in the car. "You owe me one, Kim Jong In."


≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

When Sulli arrived in the Kim's mansion, she saw Ziyu waiting outside the house, dressed up already. He looked like he was waiting for his brother to come home. So, when he realized that the girl came alone, he was not able to hide a disappointed look in his face. Sulli walked towards him, and her heart hurt a little by Ziyu's expression.

"Where is Hyung?" The little boy asked.

"I'm sorry." Sulli spoke as she lowered on her knees to level with the kid's height. "Your Hyung has something important to do. He asked me to take you to the movie today."

"ANDWAE!" He instantly yelled at her before he ran away, tears spilling from his tiny eyes.

Sulli tried to catch him but he slammed the door on her face and locked it.

"Ziyu." She tried calling the little boy but she actually don't know what to say. It pained her to see the poor little kid crying and miserable again. He must be missing his family so much now. It made her regret allowing Kai to go to Woo Ri. Wait 'till I get my hands on you, you evil jerk!

"Ziyu, your Hyung said that he will meet you after the movie. Come on, we can watch it together. Don't you wanna go with Noona?"

"SHIIIIROOOOOOO!" was the boy's loud reply.

Yeah...That's what I thought. But she tried again. "I'll even buy you ice cream. What flavor do you want?"

"I don't want ice cream! I don't want you. I don't want to go with you!"

"Ziyu-yah. Please come out of the room. Let's go anywhere you want. Come on, Noona will accompany you."

"GO AWAY!!!"

When Sulli can't find any hope of making the kid come out anymore, she finally gave up and left Ziyu alone. She realized that the kid might need time to release his heavy heart. So, she just went to her room and changed.

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