Fixing Sulli

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Chapter 12

When Sulli saw Luhan's reaction, she realized how peculiar it sounded and wishes to take it back.

But she just said, "Oh. I really have to go. See you at school!" And she hurried inside the car to avoid Luhan's possible interrogation. She doesn't even know if she's allowed to say that to anyone. Oh snap! Kai's going to be mad at her.

When they arrived at the mansion, instead of a line of maids, Kai was the one waiting for her at the front door. He was standing with his back resting against the wall, hands inside his pockets. He looked impatient. Sulli thought that maybe he waited for so long. She got off the car and walked toward him. When she was already at his arm's length reach, Kai snatched her wrist and dragged her inside, all the way to her room, and then banged her door behind them.

"Why are you so late?" he fumed.

"I didn't notice the time."

"Yeah, obviously. Why am I even asking?!" he rushed toward her and checked her again for further injuries. "Are you sure that's your only damage? No more?" She shook her head. But he kneeled down and after a bit, poked her knee.


"You're knee's turning violet."

She looked down. It sure was a nasty shade of purplish-blue. She might have got it when the gang threw her to Sehun. Screw them.

"That's okay; it's easy to find excuse for that. Just tell her you tripped." He said, standing up then pointed a finger to her neck, "But this is hard to explain." He mulled over for a moment. "Why don't we just tell her, that you tripped on the stairs and hooked your neck on the railings?"

Sulli shot him the warning glare.

"What? That might slip through. It will totally explain everything!"

She walked toward her vanity table and looked to the mirror, examining the mark. "That won't do."

"Look, you can't afford to be so fussy right now. If mom finds out that you got strangled by Sehun, she'll sue him in the highest court-don't laugh, I'm not kidding. And what will the media say about that? A daughter-in-law of a conglomerate, strangled by the son of the rival company. Well, it's not because she wanted to start a war but it's just-she's that exaggerated. I know you didn't get it, but we are possibly facing a real danger here-even bigger than what you had in the dungeon."

Sulli rolled her eyes. She thought that Kai looked like an idiot trying to explain everything to her in a single breath, when she just wanted to say, "That won't do because this shaped like a thumb or something." She cut him out. "And it was placed right at the center of my neck, which is kinda odd. Ain't this mark supposed to be left on the sides?" She acted like strangling herself to see where the fingers should be placed and where the mark would have been left. "I could have covered it with my hair if it was left in here."

"WHAT? Bastard. He doesn't even know how to strangle a person right! I thought I already taught him properly." He snorted. "So what are you planning to do with that?"

"I might be able to hide it with a concealer."

She got her make-up from one of the drawers and tried to apply it onto the mark but she flinched from her touch, so she stopped it.

"Forget it. Just wear a turtle-neck or something." Kai said coldly and walked out of the room.

Sulli thought he was vexed at her because she can't endure the pain of putting a concealer on.

Kim Jong In is a total jerk, she thought while slipping herself through the white dress. He only worries about what will happen if his mother saw the mark and not what she felt. I'm hurt, moron! And is it my fault that it hurts more to put that stupid concealer? Well, maybe he doesn't really care about her, they were just arranged to be married after all. It was not like it is his responsibility to be concerned about her feelings. "Why this dress won't FIT!!! UGGGGHHH!"

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