Finding Sulli

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Chapter 24

“Did you find her?” The voice on the other line asked.

“No.” Kai answered. “She’s not in the dungeon, not in the gym and not in the changing room.”

The three boys instantly felt uneasy the moment they realized that Sulli was absent for the next class. They knew that something must happen in the gym again.

What’s with her and P.E. class? Kai asked himself.

“I asked some of the girls in the gym. They said Sulli didn’t attend the class.” Baekhyun told him.

“Really? What could have happened?”

“They said that Krystal and her friends made a scene in the changing room and started pulling each other's hair and stuff. Then Sulli tried to break them apart but Krystal got angry and walked-out. Sulli followed her.”

“And then?”

“Then, they were not seen in the gym and no one knows where they went.”

“What about Krystal’s friends?”

“Who give a damn about her friends?” Baekhyun barked at him.

“Maybe they know where the two are.”

“I doubt it.”

“Well, let’s meet Luhan first. The school’s almost over.” Kai hung up the phone and dragged his hand down his face. Where could she be? Then, the most horrible thought struck him…

“Don’t tell me she got kidnapped?” He murmured to himself. “AISH!” He sighed as he hurriedly ran to the car park.

≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

Sulli and Krystal panicked as they felt themselves being dragged away by unknown people. They fought and thrashed around, trying to get away with them, until Krystal…

“AAAAHHHH!” a guy’s loud scream echoed in the background while Krystal found the opportunity to break free from her keeper. “Why did you bit me?”

But Krystal was not finish with him yet. She continuously beat the guy and kicked him on his shin.

“Hey, aren’t that a scholar’s uniform in our school?” The blonde noticed.

Sulli who was freed from another boy’s grasp spoke after realizing who it was. "Kyungsoo?"

“You know him?” Krystal responded while her hands poised in air, ready to attack.

But the boy spoke first before Sulli can answer the blonde girl. “What are you doing in this place? Do you know it’s dangerous here?”

“Pffffttt.” Krystal snorted. “You guys are the dangerous ones here.”

“No Krsytal, I know him.” Sulli said. “He’s a nice person.”

Her last sentence made DO smile a bit.

“But why do you have to dragged us here?” she continued.

“Because you guys are not allowed to be here.”

“And why not?” Krystal butted in. “Is this road a private property of someone else?”

DO brushed off her sarcasm. “Because there is a gang here who was annoyed by your kind in school. So, they were targeting everyone who was unlucky enough to get lost in these streets.”

“Are you sure it’s not you guys?” Krystal started again.

“I told you, we’re not dangerous!” Kyungsoo retorted. “Geez. We even save her from the street gangsters and this is how she’s going to repay us.”

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