Her Visitors

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Chapter 30

Madam Kim was welcomed by the image of Kai and Sulli sleeping together, with her son's arms wrapped around the small frame of Sulli. To her surprise, she shrieked before she can even stop herself.

"Kim Jong In!" She exclaimed and quickly covered her mouth, afraid that she might have woken up Sulli by her loud shriek. Good thing that she was a heavy sleeper and just stirred a bit on the bed.

However, her screeching had woken up her son and was lazily rubbing his eyes as he complained, "Why are you so noisy this early in the morning?"

She tiptoed toward the bed and whispered angrily to Kai, "You better explain well why you're sleeping here, MISTER!" She hissed, while his son can't even barely open his eyes yet. "Get up and go to your room!" She then walked away, leading her son but she realized that Kai was not budging and seemed like dozing off again. With a sigh, she walked back to the bed and knocked him awake.

"AWW! AISSSHHH!'" He wailed but Madam Kim knocked him in the head again, scolding him to be quiet. Her index finger pressing tightly to her lips as she glared at Kai.

"You're the noisy one here!" He retaliate.

"Don't let me drag you to your room, Kai..."

"Arrasseo. Aisshh... She doesn't really know how to shut up." The boy mumbled as he sluggishly dragged himself out of the room, which, of course, earned a sharp glare from his mother. He took a glance at Sulli's still sleeping form to check on her before he finally closed the door.

"You have five minutes to explain why you're sleeping in Sulli's bed." Madam Kim started the moment they entered Kai's room.

The boy ran his fingers through his bed hair before he pocketed his hands. "I don't know why's that a big deal? Aren't you supposed to expect these kinds of things now? We're engage after all."

His mother gasped at his reply. He can almost hear the drummed of her racing heart from anger. "You don't understand it do you?" She asked. "What do you think the people will say to your fiancée when they realized that you two, who were not yet legal, slept together? Huh? Especially, Sulli's father, Chairman Choi. What do you think he will say? He entrusted his daughter to us Kai."

But Kai can only roll his eyes at the dramatic outburst of his mother. "I bet the chairman would thank me for taking care of his daughter. He entrusted her to us." He repeated. "He will be grateful that I almost stayed up all freaking night watching her and for staying by her side and tried to make her warm when she was shivering." He pointed out the things that his mother seems to have forgotten. "I think you're the one who don't understand." He continued as Madam Kim froze on her spot, unable to say anything. "Now, if you're done with your sermon, I will take my leave now. I still have to check on my fiancée."

Kai was definitely pissed off. How can he get scolded for taking care of his fiancée? Like what the fuck is wrong with sleeping in her bed? It's not like they did anything and DAMN! Does his mother think he's a perv? He raked his fingers through his brown locks in frustration as he made his way to Sulli's room.

When Kai opened the door, the warm but still weak smile of Sulli welcomed him. The maid was just finishing taking her temperature and Sulli was sitting upright on the bed. "Hey." He greeted.

"Hey." She replied with a smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better than ever."

"Liar." He uttered and walked towards her. He gently placed his hand on her forehead. "Your fever has gone down." He then glanced at the maid and asked, "What's her temperature?"

Contemporary Royalsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें