Chapter 18: It Happens to the Best of Us

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Sprint Cup day came bright and early. I woke up with a terrible headache and felt like my head was getting hit with a hammer. I tried looking out the window but the sun made my headache worse.

"Connor." I tried to yell.

"Hey." Connor pulled back the curtain."What's wrong?" He looked concerned.

"My head is throbbing." I said cringing.

"Let me call Joey." Connor said whipping out his phone.

A few minutes later Joey was over in pajama pants and a sweatshirt. He came over and sat on my bed.

"Head hurting?" Joey said putting a thermometer in my mouth and placing his hand on my forehead looking for a fever. I shook my head yes and he started looking for something wrong. Joey took out the thermometer.

"97.9. That's normal." Joey shook his head in frustration.

"Check the medicine basket. I think there is some ibuprofen. That should work." I said sitting up.

"Connor said you were cringing from the pain. I doubt ibuprofen would help." Joey responded.

"It's probably just because of the race last night. I will be fine." I tried to convince Joey. He ignored me and pulled out his phone.

"Hello?" I heard someone at the door a few minutes later.

"Hey Nate." Joey shook heads with the doctor.

"Alright Hunter. Let's check this out." Doctor Nate said opening his doctor bag.

The doctor did the routine tests that the doctor did at Kentucky.

"Now you were at the race last night weren't you?" Nate asked.

"Yes sir. It was exciting." I nodded.

"I think your headache is a mix of last night, the fall, and dehydration." Nate said putting his tools back in his bag.

"So what should we do today?" Joey asked sitting next to me.

"Carry a water bottle and drink at least five of them and only because I know you won't wear earplugs if your head starts to go somewhere to get relief for a minute then go back." The doctor said shaking Joey's hand.

Once Nate was gone Joey turned and looked at me. I could tell he was frustrated hearing I was dehydrated.

"What happened to the 3 water bottle a day rule?" Joey asked. I just shrugged.

"Well today text me every time you fill up your water. If I don't get at least five texts you don't go to the race." Joey said handing me my pink camelback. I glared at Joey while he walked over and sat at the table. Joey is good at being friendly and having fun but he defiantly will play the father role if needed. Connor took my water bottle and filled it for me and then handed it back.

Once I finally pulled myself out of bed I started to feel better. I took a quick shower and did my hair. Then I walked out to the table and sat next to Joey. My water bottle was empty and I refilled it. Just to be funny I sent a text to Joey.

"One down 4 to go." I hit send and Joey's phone vibrated right next to me.

"Alright guys it is 8:30. The pre-race ceremonies start at 5:30. I will see you guys later. Go have some fun." Joey said hugging us then walking out the door. "And drink water."

Connor and I quickly got dressed and drove out to the plaza. It was still getting switched over to Sprint from yesterday. Studios were still open and some of the Nationwide drivers were out doing interviews from last nights race.

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