Chapter 26: Look Out the Window

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After the elimination race last week there were some broken spirits from the teams that were out of the Chase but you couldn't tell because we were at Kansas for a new race. Last week the 24 was in Victory Lane at Dover. Today was the first race of the next round of the Chase.

The fans in the plaza were all pumped for a sunny day in Kansas. The plaza was filled with all types of people. They had their shirts supporting their nation. I decided to walk today instead of using my cart. I had on some black nike shorts and tennis shoes with a Joey t-shirt and my Pennzoil hat backwards. I was walking out of the gates into the plaza when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to someone punching me in the stomach knocking the air out of me. Security ran over and tore the girl off of me.

"She is a slut and a gold digger. I should be with Chase instead of that. All she wants is his money. " The girl was about 17 or 18. She was pretty and tall. She had long dark brown hair and a Dale Jr. shirt on.

"Are you ok Miss Blue?" The security guard asked helping me up.

"I'll be ok." I said taking a few breaths to get air back in my lungs. The guard called a cart to drive me the VIP area.

I was dropped off and walked towards the VIP press area door. Joey was coming off stage from his interview. He looked at me with concern when I leaned against the wall struggling for breath.

"Are you ok? Did you take your meds?" Joey asked leaning next to me and supporting me so I wouldn't fall.

"Just got attacked by a fan who decided to punch me in the stomach." I laughed.

"Why?" Joey was shocked.

"Over Chase. She said I'm a gold digger." I said slowly.

"Well let's go get something to eat and then take a breather." Joey said letting me hop on his back. "And pun intended." Joey laughed.

We went to the Papa Johns stand and got two pizzas and then a Coca-Cola for Joey and a Sprite for me. We sat at a table farther away from where fans were sitting. Joey had on a hat and sunglasses and sat with his back to the fans which disguised him pretty well.

"So how is the breathing?" Joey asked taking a bite of food.

"Getting better. I just hate that I got hit over nothing." I said sipping my soda.

"Yea that's crazy. Did you tell Chase?" Joey asked.

"No. I don't want him to feel bad about nothing." I said getting a call. "Speak of the devil." I hit the green button and held my phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hey I heard what happened. Are you ok?" Chase asked.

"I'm fine. Where are you?" I asked looking around.

"The Hendrick merch hauler. I had a fan ask how you were. Thought I needed a quick break." Chase laughed.

"Well break is over. I'll be over in a little bit." I hung up.

Joey and I finished our food and then Joey went in to get ready for the race. I walked over to the merch hauler and stood in the line to see Chase. Once I got to the front Chase smiled and gave me a hug. I heard a few awes in the back. I stood with Chase and signed some posters and passes. A teenage fan walked up to us and handed us a hat and her pit pass.

"Hi what's your name?" I smiled.

"Karina." She smiled. She was younger than most of the men and women that had stopped by.

"Well Karina I like your shirt. Did you make it?" I asked. It was a white shirt with the words "racing queen" painted on it in pink.

"Yeah. I needed something a little more girly." Karina said posing with Chase and I for pictures. I had someone take one with my phone too.

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