Chapter 27: Legal

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"After Kyle Busch winning the pole and a hard race, Kevin Harvick has won at Charlotte." The MRN announcer yelled over the track.

After the second race of the Contender round was done, fans and drivers packed up and before leaving for Charlotte.

For once we didn't have to scramble to pack up. We were having Media Day at Charlotte tomorrow. Teams got the cars and tool boxes loaded and displays shipped out to Talladega.

I felt two strong arms come around my waist while I directed trailers and trucks on where to go.

"Hi." I smiled.

"You're working very hard." Chase said putting his NAPA jacket around my shoulders. "You looked a little cold in your pjs."

"Thank you." I said sliding my arms through the sleeves. I was out in my green and purple plaid pajama shorts and a dark green tank top and some flip flops.

Once the fans were out of the field crews went through picking up garbage left by the fans. There were beer bottles and food wrappers left all throughout the field. I drove around the fields collecting trash bags and taking them to the dumpsters.

"Want some company?" Chase texted.

"You sure you want to drive around and pick up trash all night?" I questioned.

"Can't be to bad. I'll be with you." He answered. I drove towards the dumpsters with the last load and picked up Chase along the way.

"This is gross." Chase said sniffing the air and threw the last bag in the dumpster.

"Told you." I said driving back to the plaza. "What the..?" I looked at all the drivers standing in the plaza in their pajamas.

"Happy Birthday!" They all yelled.

"Oh Miss Blue did I forget to mention it was 12:02 which means it is your birthday." Chase said putting his arm around me.

I smiled from ear to ear. They had come up with the theme of pajama party. I was turning 18 today which meant I was legal. This meant I was the full guardian of Connor. This meant Chase and I were legal.

"Happy Birthday." Keelan Harvick ran up to me and into my arms.

"Thanks little man." My said as Delana came running after her son.

"Hey Hunter. Happy birthday." Delana said taking her son.

Chase and Dylan came over and lifted me up on their shoulders.

"Hey guys I think it is time to sing to our birthday girl." Dylan yelled.

All the drivers half sang half yelled happy birthday and brought a pink cupcake with a single candle in it. I blew out the candle and made a wish while everyone cheered.

"So how does it feel?" Clint asked me.

"How does what feel?" I asked getting off of Dylan and Chase's shoulders.

"You're 18 man!" Clint said sipping a beer.

"It feels good." I smiled.

"Here this is from me." Connor said handing me a box.

"Connor you didn't have too." I said opening the box to find a bracelet with pictures in little square frames linked together.

"You always loved pictures. So I found your favorites and now you'll always have them." Connor said rubbing the back of his neck. There were pictures of my father and I in Victory Lane at one of his last races and another one of my mom and I behind the wall on pit road. On others there were pictures of me and Connor at tracks watching the race and when we were little, there were pictures of Joey, Connor, and I, and of me and Chase.

Bristol Nights (A Chase Elliott Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz