Chapter 10: Its Been 8 Years

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We got to Talladega late. It was about 3:45 in the morning and everyone was getting unloaded. I walked out of my trailer leaving Connor snoring. Guys were running around in sweats unloading cars and tools. I walked into the garage and sat on the tool bench of the 22 team.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Ryan Blaney said sarcastically. He is probably one of my best guy friends out of the sport. But, I will admit, I'm not a morning person.

"Why are you up?" I hear as I feel an arm slide around my waist.

"To much noise." I whined into Chase's shoulder.

"Wanna go get some coffee?" Chase laughed.

I nodded and hopped off the tool box and started walking. It was about 4:30 now and the garage and track were pretty much set up. It had been a bittersweet few years. I looked around the track and sighed.

"What's up?" Chase said looking in my direction.

"It's just hard coming back every year." I said as I resumed walking towards the smell of coffee.

After we got coffee it was 5:00 and the sun was coming up. Chase walked me back to the hauler then headed to the garage to get some work done. I laid back in my bed and scrolled through Twitter. I came across a picture from a fan that really caught my attention.

"@NASCARGreg: Met @HunterBlue_ and @ConnorBlue67 a few weeks ago and can't get them off my mind as they are at Talladega."

I favorited, retweeted, and responded.

"@HunterBlue_: @NASCARGreg Thank you so much! Your support is what keeps us going."

"Hey Hunter." I hear Connor yell from his bunk. I pull back the curtain that keeps my bed private.

"Yea?" I ask looking around the hauler.

"Will you drive me to Turn four? Something I gotta do." Connor said pulling back his curtain. I nodded and pulled myself out of bed and grabbed a 67 tank and denim shorts and combed through my hair real quick. As I slid on my flip flops. Connor came out in one of Dad's merch shirts and a 67 SnapBack. I turned on my cart and set out for the exit of turn four. Connor looked out on the track. I reached over and rubbed his shoulder. I knew what he felt. It was bittersweet.

I turned off my cart and took a sharpie from Connor and together we drew dad's number and signed the wall.

"What are you guys doing?" Joey said walking up behind us.

"It's been 8 years." Connor said coming to tears.

Joey pulled us in for a hug while we all sat on the track.

"Gimme that marker." Joey said grabbing a marker that we had laid down and he signed the wall too right next to Connor and mines signatures. Chase came out and signed the wall too. Chase grabbed my hand and we walked down pit road. Probably one of the most romantic things we had done.

Walks were kind of our thing. We just talked about life. Chase told me about school and how he was almost done and graduation was in a few weeks. I told him stories of my life on the race track.

"Hey Hunter we need you over in the Care Center." My walkie talkie screamed.

I didn't even ask what was wrong. I started running because I knew it had to be Connor. I ran dodging people and carts. I heard a few people yelling at me to slow down but all I could was go faster. Last time I was needed at the care center I lost my mom and there was no way I was losing anyone else.

I ran in the doors of the Infield Care Center and saw Connor sitting up on a bed.

"Are you ok?" I said looking over for any bumps or cuts.

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