Chapter 8: Code Blue

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Connor, Joey, and I ran to the desk where a security guard sat scrolling through the daily news.

"We need to know where Isabella Blue is." Joey said frantically basically screaming.

"Looks like she is in room 267." The guard said taking a sip of coffee.

We got off the elevator and ran down the hall. I ran in and found my mom laying there. Her heartbeat steady but that wasn't my mom laying there. The woman laying there was pail and thin. She was losing a fight that was hard to win. Joey came in and just touched my shoulder. I turned around and just felt Joey hug me. He just held me there for I don't know how long.

"Miss Blue we need to talk about final arrangements because I am going to be honest with you, your mother is not going to live much longer." The doctor said handing me a clipboard. It had blanks about where we want her sent and details like that.

I filled out the form. Connor and I agreed she was going to go home and be buried with Daddy back in Florida in Daytona.

I walked out crying harder than ever and walked right into Chase. He looked at me with concern and just held me. Joey walked out of my mom's room with a few tears. Amazing that he has only know us for 8 years and he cares about us this much.

"Hunter she is awake. It's time to say goodbye. Connor is finishing up" Joey said putting his arm around me and guiding me into the room after Connor came out.

"Hey baby." My mom said holding her hand out. She brushed the hair out of eyes revealing my tears. "Baby don't cry. You and Connor are going to be ok. I'm going to see your daddy." She smiled.

"Mommy I love you don't go." I said kissing her head with tears streaming down my face."Stay with me."

"Hunter Marie, I love you too but it's my time. I have stayed as long as I can." She said kissing me back."and don't worry you and Connor are going to be well taken care of."

I stood there and listened to the flat line. Joey came in a scooped me up as quickly as possible and carried me out shielding me from doctors. When I say scoop I mean he heard the flat line ran in and held me in a cradle and got me out of the room in less than 10 seconds. I cried into his shoulder. That flat line rang in my ear.

Our mom was gone. Not the wife of a racing legend. Our mom. The one who read us bedtime stories. The one who loved both her kids unconditionally. The mother that did everything she could to keep life going for her kids after their father died. My mother. Connor's mother. Isabella Blue. The one with brown hair and green eyes. The one who smelled like candy. Our mother.

"Code Blue room 267." The overhead speaker screamed. Doctors ran in and did their routine.

Joey carried me to the waiting room and switched me over to Chase. I continued crying. Chase and I sat on a bench as I cried into his shoulder. Joey walked back in and held me for a moment before walking out again with his phone.

Family. The only family left was Connor and Joey.

My dad died so many years ago I forgot the pain. It all came rushing back. The heart throbbing, the wet cheeks. I couldn't take the pain. I looked up at Chase and lost it. I held on to the back of his sweatshirt with everything I had. I didn't want to lose another thing I loved.

I sat in the waiting room. The news broke to the NASCAR press. Isabella Blue died at 2:38p.m. from leukemia. Leukemia that she didn't even know she had. She died a week and a half after she found out.

Chase had gone and come back bringing me a change of clothes and something to eat. I sipped on my Sprite and stared at the wall in some athletic shorts and a big long sleeved shirt.

Connor walked in and sat next me and just hugged me. He had on some Adidas pants and a hoodie.

"Hey kiddos. Some people are here to see you." Joey came in wearing sweats and his Pennzoil hat and jacket. I sat up and looked at Connor and we nodded for them to come in.

One by one all 43 Sprint Cup drivers filed in. Then all the Nationwide drivers. Pit Crew members and crew chiefs. NASCAR officials and managers. They each came over, gave us a hug, and offered their condolences. Then each walked out of the room and into the hall.

They stood out in the hall and looked at each other. I whispered in Connor's ear and he agreed.

"Joey can you bring them back in." I asked standing up.

When all the drivers were back sitting in the waiting room I cleared my throat.

"We want to thank you for your condolences. But we want you all to know you are our family. You have been there for us, some of you our entire lives, and some a few months. You guys are some of the most incredible people we have ever met and you guys are one hell of a family." I said tearing up but holding it back.

"We love you too." Jamie McMurry yelled. Everyone laughed and started socializing.

In all the commotion Joey ran up to me.

"Hunter you have to read your mom's will." Joey said handing me a piece of paper.

I read down and read:
"As for Hunter Marie and Connor Jacob Blue. I put them into the care of NASCAR until Hunter is the age of 18. Then they make the choice if where they go. "

"So we get to stay with you guys?" I smiled.

"Hunter you guys are staying with NASCAR!" Joey yelled leading to more cheers.

All of our family stood in the waiting room and talked and laughed. Connor and I were blessed with this family. It grew on 7:00 and we all started to leave the hospital. Joey drove Connor and I to the airport so we could go home to be with family for a while and get all of mom's stuff setteled. Mostly we had to get all of our clothes and things we were going to want for our hauler with NASCAR. We would be living in this hauler for the season and then the haluler would be parked wherever we wanted it after the season end. Joey went with us for a few days and promised to pick us up when we came home.

As we loaded the plane Joey hugged us and let us know everything was going to be ok. We had a 12 hour flight back to Daytona, Florida. I sat listening to music looking out the window, waiting for take off. My phone lit up with a text.

"I will be there when you get back. Just make sure you have your ID ;)" Chase wrote.

"See you soon." I responded.


Hey guys!

Sorry I'm updating so late but I am at rehearsal for a show. But I honestly cried writing this chapter. So how was your Christmas? Mine was pretty good. I am going to the Richmond race in April!! But comment your fav present you got and see you soon

- Megan

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