Chapter 5: Home is on the Racetrack

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I sat in the window sill of the waiting room in the hospital. Connor sat bent over across the room silently sobbing. He was to little to remember when dad died so this is hitting him hard. The doctors and nurses moved throughout the halls. Attending to patients and alarms.

I felt an arm wrap around me. I didn't even look at who it was, I just started crying into their shoulder. I took a deep breath in and smelled peppermint. It brought back memories of my father. It hurt remembering the day we lost him.

|| Flashback ||

"Mrs. Blue I'm sorry but he did not survive." The doctor said and offered his condolences. After that I felt my mom hold on to Connor and I tighter.

"Do you guys want to go see daddy one last time?" Mom asked wiping away a tear. After Connor and I nodded we went into the hospital room with my father I remember a pit forming in my stomach. Knowing daddy wasn't coming home with us. Knowing he isn't going to wake up.

|| End Flashback ||

I looked up to see Chase looking back at me. He lifted me off the window sill and carried me over to a couch to sit. He had a soft NAPA sweatshirt on and some jeans. His hair was covered by a number 9 baseball hat.

It was about 4:30 in the afternoon and Chase took me downstairs to get some food. We shared a basket of French fries and I had a Sprite.

"Have you seen your mom yet?" Chase asked hesitantly.

"No. Connor doesn't want to go and I don't want to go by myself." I said bringing me knees to my chest.

"Want me to come with you?" Chase asked grabbing my hand. I nodded and we headed for the stairs to level 3.

We walked into the gray room and found mom asleep. She had chords and tubes connected all over her body. Steady beeps filled the room. Mom laid there peacefully. I couldn't imagine losing her too. Having to think of mommy not coming home. I felt tears forming and escaping down my face. Chase squeezed my hand as my mom regained conciseness.

"Hi mommy." I said with my voice cracking.

"Hi honey. How are you?" She groggily answered.

"I'm ok. How are you feeling?" I asked sitting on her bed.

"Sick as a dog. They are flying me to Cali for the race." She smiled.

"Mommy maybe we should go home. Be with family." I pushed.

"No. Home is on the track. For you, me, and Connor. No one back home will be there for us. Our family is with us every week for every race." Mom finished out of breath.

"Ok. Well Kyle is coming to take us back to the track. I will see you in California." I said goodbye kissing her forehead.

I pulled on my tank-top on and climbed into my bunk. I looked out my little window and watched airplanes flyover the highway as we left for California.

My phone lit up with a text from Chase.

Chase: Goodnight Hunter. Everything will be ok. I promise.

I replied : I hope so. Just don't make promises you can't keep. Sleep well.

Chase. See you in California.

After that I scrolled through Instagram and giggled at the pictures from the drivers and fans. I looked through pictures of my mom and I when dad was still around. I cried as we left Bristol. I finally fell asleep thinking of how drastically my life was about to change.


I am sooo sorry guys! This week has been crazy and I forgot to post!

I would like to thank those who have commented their favorite drivers! I will work to get them into the story ;)

Have a great and safe weekend :)

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