Chapter 14: We Have Each Other

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I ran to Chase's hauler and banged on the door. I didn't know what time it was and I didn't even care. I couldn't find Connor. Chase opened the door with a smile.

"What's wrong?" Chase said pulling me in to his hauler as his smile dissolved into a look of concern.

"Connor is gone." I cried.

"What do you mean?" Chase said sitting me down on the couch.

"I walked in and he wasn't there. I haven't seen him since the race started." I sobbed into his chest. At this point Bill and Cindy were in the room and Bill was calling Joey.

Joey walked in and wrapped his arms around me. He just held me and very calmly gathered people to look.

An hour later all the drivers and security were dispersed around the track and perimeter looking. I sat with my phone calling Connor hoping to hear his voice. Chase stroked my hair. My phone rang and a picture of Joey and I at Richmond in Victory Lane showed up.

"Hello." I practically screamed into the phone.

"We found him. He is ok but isn't responsive. The medics are on the way. We are out on the north field. It looked like he got jumped by some drunk fans." Joey said as calm as possible.

"I'm coming." I said standing.

"No stay with Chase. I will call you if anything happens." Joey said hanging up.

"They found him." I said sitting down.

"Oh thank goodness." Cindy said leaving the room.

"Hey he is going to be ok. We can go to the hospital tomorrow before the race." Chase said walking with me to my hauler. I just stayed quiet and walked in to my home. Chase made me some tea while I changed into some pajamas. I pulled out some shorter bedtime shorts and one of Connor's grey V-necks.

I walked out and sat down at the table. Chase handed me my Tinker Bell mug with some peppermint tea. I sipped a little bit at a time. Chase reached across the table and grabbed my hand and just smiled.

That smile always makes me melt.

The next day Joey drove Chase, Dylan, and I to the hospital. Connor was awake and responsive just a bit groggy.

"Hey." I said sitting on Connor's bed brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"Hey. Sorry I freaked you guys out." He said sitting up.

"I'm just glad your okay." I smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Joey asked.

"A little sore but good." Connor said sipping some water. Joey and Chase left to get some food. I laid with Connor watching TV.

"Do you remember what happened?" I asked sitting up.

"I remember going out to the field with Dylan to go to the Green Flag club. After that it is a blur." Connor said shaking his head. He laid his head on my shoulder. I just sat there and stroked his hair.

"You know when I snapped at you in California. I really didn't mean it. I'm glad you are my sister and that you care about me." Connor started to tear up.

"Connor it's ok. I know you were scared. I was like that when we were losing dad." I wiped away a tear.

"How did you get through it?" Connor looked up at me.

"Well this little boy told me that being sad was no fun. I just put on a brave face and I had people build me up." I said smiling.

"So do I have to miss the race?" Connor asked playing with his blanket.

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