Chapter 15: Hey

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I woke up on a stretcher looking up at the ceiling. I felt a hand holding mine. I looked over to Chase holding my hand and Connor pacing in the lobby. I sat up with a splitting headache.

"Hey. How do you feel?" Chase said jumping up and stroking my hair.

"My head hurts." I said rubbing my forehead. I tried to remember what had happened.

"Yea you took quite a fall." Connor said walking in and hugging me gently.

"Hunter how are you feeling." Dr. Collins asked. He was the Doctor at Kentucky. He was nice and efficient.

"My head hurts." I repeated.

"Well luckily you fell onto some grass to which is probably why you still have your memory. Take these antibiotics to ease the headache and rest up for Daytona and 4th of July." Dr. Collins smiled and went to pack up.

I slowly went to sit up. Chase held my hands and helped me stand. Eventually I hopped on to Chase's back and Connor carried my flip flops.

I laid down in bed with my phone and computer. Chase kissed my forehead, made sure I was comfortable, and left to get ready to travel to Daytona. It was a long drive but good for recovery. I had a cut on my forehead from hitting the ground. Wilson, the driver of our hauler started up and we headed to Daytona.

Connor went into the back to play video games while I played on my computer. I chatted with Joey on Facebook and checked and answered emails for all the arrangements for future tracks.

About halfway through the journey, Connor made some Mac and Cheese for dinner. We ate together at the table.

"So how is your head." Connor asked handing me my antibiotics.

"Pounding." I said swallowing the pills. "How long till Daytona?"

"About 10 hours but we are stopping in an hour to give the drivers a break."

"Awesome I could use a hug or two." I said heading back to lay in bed.

I had on some purple sweat pants that were loose at the bottom and one of Chase's Dawsonville Pool Room sweatshirts. My hair was up in a messy bun.

We stopped shortly after I had dozed off at and huge rest area. Most of the haulers stopped and some went on. Equipment haulers were really the only ones that kept going so we could set the track up when we got there.

"Hey beautiful." I heard Chase behind me.

"Hi." I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.

"How are you feeling?" He asked kissing my head.

"Much better. I should be good as new by the race." I grinned.

"Good to hear." I heard from behind me. I turned around to face Joey. I gave him a huge hug. "Have you been resting?" Joey asked.

"Yea. Connor has been a big help too." I said wrapping my arm around Chase's waist. A quick 20 minutes went by and everyone loaded back up.

"Chase wanna ride with us?" Connor asked.

"Sure. That would be fun." Chase said running to go tell his parents and then he ran into our hauler. Everyone started moving again and we made the last leg of the trip.

Chase, Connor, and I sat in the back and watched Frozen. I laid with Chase with my head on his shoulder. Chase and Connor would occasionally pop up and sing along with the music. I laughed so hard when they both sang Let It Go.

After the movie we played board games for a while. With that we had about 3 hours left. We all played on our phones. Chase was tweeting and playing Flappy Bird, Connor was on Twitter and I was on Instagram.

"Hunter time for your antibiotic." Connor said handing me my pills. I swallowed the pills and coughed a little. Chase had a little look of worry when I finished coughing.

"Just a cough." I said assuring him.

"Guys look." Connor yelled motioning at the window. We all looked out and saw the lights of Daytona in the distance. All of us took pictures.

"@Chaseelliott9: Seeing Daytona in the distance. Ready for a good time."

"@ConnorBlue67: Daytona is a bittersweet sight. Good to be home."

"@HunterBlue_: Good to be home and even better to see Daytona."

We all typed our tweets and sat down at the table.

"Hunter should we go.." Wilson yelled from the front.

"Yes please" I interrupted.

"Where are we going?" Chase asked.

"To see our dad." Connor said getting up to get dressed.

I got up slowly and headed to my chest. I pulled out a 67 tank top and some shorts. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair back with a red bow. I walked out from the bathroom and sat back down at the table.

"Do you guys go see them every time your here?" Chase asked putting on his shoes.

"Yea. It'll be the first time without mom." I said.

"Here we are kids." Wilson said parking the hauler. Wilson caught my hand. "Take as long as you need."

Connor and I walked out with a checkered flag and some flowers. We followed the path until we were in front of two grey stones.

"Hey guys." Connor said laying down the flag and flowers.

A tear ran down my cheek. It was still hard. Especially with mom just leaving. Chase came up and put his arm around me. Another arm brought Connor and I in for a hug. I smelled Joey's cologne.

"I figured you guys would come." Joey said rubbing our backs.

We finished and said goodbye. The hauler started up and we treaded on to Daytona.


Hey guys!

I am soooo sorry that the update is so late. I had a youth event that ran late. I was a hostess and had to walk around in heels. But I am so tired. I really hope you like this chapter. I was bittersweet to write the end but a nice touchy feely moment.

On a completely different note JOEY WON THE DAYTONA 500!!!!!!!! It was so exciting.

So anyways let me know your favorite part of the chapter and also let me know which Chase races you liked. I am in on the last few chapter of writing this story but don't fret the second one is already being written. So comment favorite Chase race and favorite part of the chapter.

- Love Megan

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