Chapter 13

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Austin stood across the room, to my left, holding a gun up towards the three men by the door.

"So it's you who has this young lady." One of them said, giving Austin a sly smile. "Good work, Mahone. You always make the headlines."

Austin's straight face didn't crack at all. Instead, he slowly moved in front of me, shielding me from the strange man.

"I think it's best that you leave, so that no one gets hurt."

"Oh, I will leave, once I have her."

I held my breath.

"She's not for sale Emilio." Austin replied, in a surprisingly calm tone. "I'm not giving her to you."

"I'm not asking for her, I'm demanding."

"And I said No."

I clutched unto his shirt, and clenched my teeth together as watched the men that was holding up the gun slowly smiled.

"Why must this be so difficult? You hand her over, I pay you, and we go our separate ways.

"I don't want the money."

My heart was pounding against my chest and the room seemed to grow hotter and hotter.

"You leave me with no choice..."

I closed my eyes, waiting for the man to shoot but than the door burst open and several man came in, surrounding Emilio guy and the two other men by his side.

"Pull the trigger and we'll kill you." A guy in a white shirt threatened them. Emilio and his men dropped their guns. They were clearly outnumbered so it was only smart to restrain.

"We were just leaving..." He said said, they were "escorted" out of the penthouse with some of the gun man.

"Thank you." Austin said to the man in white. "No problem Mahone. We've got your back."

They left, leaving Austin and I alone. He walked across the room, ill at ease, making his way to the red love seat and I watched as he placed his gun on the glass table. He sat down, leaning forward, his chin resting on his folded hands. He slightly frowned as he went into deep thought.

"Why did you come up here?" I anxiously bit my lip as I stood there, waiting for him to explode. I knew he was aggravated but I was tempted to get smart with him, but again, I knew better than to spark the flame.

"I felt sick."

"Did anyone see you come up here?"

"Well there's more than a hundred people in this house Austin, so many-"

"Who showed you the way up here?"

"No one did...I got up here on my own."

"Are you sure no one saw you come up here?"

"Why does it matter if anyone-"

"Answer my question!"

"I don't know okay! Why does it matter so much?"

Austin sighed, running his hands through his hair in frustration. "We have to get you out of here..." He mumbled as he put put his gun back into his pockets and made his way to the door. "Don't make me force you out of here Maddison, I ran out of patience."

I didn't reply to his threat but I didn't budge.

"This is the one night I actually get to go out and escape from hostile in your house and your telling me I should leave? I think not." I folded my arms and made my way to the red love seat. "I'm sick and tired of you controlling me around. You're not my boss."

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