Chapter Eleven

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New update!! I always make you guys wait so long and I’m so sorry ): But I always make the chapters long so...that’s a good thing right? Haha love you all <3 P.S: Yes I will be finishing this book. I’m not abandoning it. Love you guys <3



I was convinced that after that kiss, Austin would change his attitude towards me.

But was I ever wrong.

The next few days he was colder than ice and not just towards me, but to anyone else that dared to speak to him.

I stayed out of his way as much as I could but I always ended up running into him whether it was by the stairwell or in the bedroom. I decided to go out to the back yard just so I wouldn't have to get in anyone’s way.

Everyone was running around the house helping Alex, Zach and Robert pack up but I didn't have the heart to help out. I slowly walked around the yard, running my hands through the tall hedges. I walked around and around, looking up at the pink sky.

A pair of birds flew into the distance and I just enjoyed the warm breeze blowing through my hair.

“What are you doing out here?” I spun around quickly and let out a small sigh of relief when I realised that it was just Alex.

“You scared me…” He chuckled softly and shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Sorry I just didn't know you were allowed to come outside.” I looked away from him and he laughed again.

“It’s okay. I won’t say a word. I just came here to say bye to you...and to ask you a favour.” I looked at him, a little surprised that he was even bothering to say bye let alone ask me a favour.

“It’s not a mission.” I guess he could read the look on my face.

“I need you to keep Austin on track.”


“You probably don’t understand what I mean but sooner or later you will. He’s gone through a lot in his life and I just need you to keep him on track when he seems to be falling out of place. Just please promise me you will keep that in mind, Alright?”

 I nodded, clearly not understanding what I was getting myself into.


“They’re finally gone. I never thought this day would come.”

Tori muttered to herself as she closed the front door. “But we’re still stuck with Austin.” I laughed a little at the face she made.

“Do you want to order pizza tonight?” I nodded as I made my way to the living room. “It feels like I haven't had it for such a long time.”

I nodded once again, barely paying any attention to what she was rambling about. I zoned out as she kept talking and talking.

What Alex had said earlier today echoed in my mind and made me wonder:

Why had he come up to me about this? Out of all people.

Or did he ask Tori as well?

Even if he had done so, it was still quite odd of him to come up to me and tell me that Austin had gone through some challenges in his life.

And how was I supposed to make sure that he was on track when I couldn't even stable myself?

"Oh I was hoping you wouldn't come back..." Tori made a face towards the living room entrance as Austin walked in. He gave her a look that would have made me quite nervous but it just seemed to provoke Tori even more.

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