Phoenix felt her knees buckle as it was becoming too much on her already frazzled brain. Two pairs of frail arms wrapped around her body before she collided with the cold floor. " Up you go. " One of the women said while helping Phoenix back on her feet.

Once her balance was back, Phoenix was beginning to be escorted out of her room. Her head was getting hazy as she was escorted through the halls of the mansion. This was much different than the past two times. Once being brought with guns pressed against her back and the second time being dragged kicking and screaming. Phoenix was now far too weak to do any kicking and screaming this time around.

This meaning she just walked through the halls of the mansion, her heels making noise with each step. Phoenix felt herself getting more nervous the more she walked throughout the mansion. The sound of people talking came from a room at the end of the long hallway and Phoenix knew this had to be where her interview would happen. 

A familiar laugh roared from the room, and Phoenix was immediately able to put a face to the laugh. With the laugh belonging to none other than Caesar Flickerman. The famous Capital socialite whose job it had been to interview all the tributes and victors of the games. Phoenix had already had her fair share of interviews with the man, but she had never expected to be interviewed after the Quater Quell. She feels her hands beginning to shake as she finally makes her way inside the room. Everyone inside the room fell silent, with everyone's eyes being on Phoenix.

Yet this was different from the other time's Phoenix had drawn all the attention by simply walking into a room. Those times everyone was captivated by what she was wearing, or the confidence she showed naturally. Now walking into this room, she was a prisoner of the Capital, looking like a shell of the woman she had been only weeks ago.

" Phoenix! '' Caesar cheered, dragging out her name as he walked towards her. The conversations around the room began again, with most of the topics being changed to the appearance of Phoenix. Caesar placed both his hands on her shoulders before giving them both a squeeze, ignoring the whimper that came from Phoenix. " You look ravishing as always. " He finished before taking his hands off of her. Phoenix let out a sigh once the pressure from his hands left her shoulders. He sent her one of his famous smiles before walking away from Phoenix without another word.

She was tense as she looked around at the side-eye she was getting from different people around the room. Pushing her shoulders back, Phoenix began walking towards the chair that was right across from where Caesar had been sitting in. Sitting up straight in the chair, she watches a man beginning to walk up to her from behind the camera.

Throughout her time in the Capital, it was rare that Phoenix ever saw the same person multiple times. Maybe it was just her hazy mind or maybe the Capital didn't keep the same people around for a long time. Especially when dealing with such high stake criminals. " This interview will be a live one, broadcasting throughout all the Districts live from the mansion. " The man spoke, not even bothering to introduce himself, which Phoenix had become used to during her stay. With it seeming as these people just didn't care about Phoenix enough to let them know who they were. As if she was just a small piece in a larger operation, which in reality, she was.

" We will have no funny business throughout this interview. You will only talk when asked a question, and we expect you to answer truthfully. To talk about how you were left for dead inside the arena by an off the rails Katniss Everdeen. " He continued, looking down at Phoenix as if she was a child. " But I don't even remember some of the things that happened to me. " Phoenix reminded, with the loss of blood and head trauma from that night, mixed with the Tracker Jacker venom, things were only getting hazier inside her mind.

" Then I suggest you thank the Capital for the help you've received in these times. You should be lucky that we're even doing this. So don't say anything you might regret later Ms. Flack. " Phoenix's breath hitched as she listened to the stakes that this interview rode on.

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐀 𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒 - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now