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Since my bag had not been fully unpacked, it was easily repacked.

The time was late. I checked my phone and saw it was 11:07 pm. Late.

Is it bad that I am hyped with all this adreniline, but freaking out? No? Ok, good.

I pick up my bag and throw it over my right sholder. Checking that the cabin is silent, I sneak out of my small room.

I feel like a seceret agent or a spy. I had always wanted to be one of those. I creep along the walls in the dark. I make my way to the main room and to the front door. The whole cabin is asleep.

I quietly open the front door and rush out, closing it behind me. They probably will not even notice that I am missing tomorrow.

The world out here is hushed, like the forest is holding its breath. Just Then, a tiny flicker of light appears. Then another. And another.

I realize that the flickers of lights are fireflies. And it seems like I am a little kid again. I try to chase a few and catch one on the third try.

Quietly squealing, I clasp my hands together to create a small cave for the bug. I peek a look and the firefly crawls around on my palm. It tickles a little and I laugh.

The firefly spreads its wings and takes flight, its light shining on and off. I wave at it, a smile glued to my face.

I rearrange the way my duffel is hanging on my shoulder and walk out of the clearing. The trees engulf me and I try to find my way back to town.

I need to find out who my father really is.

I'm Fine (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now