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Nick's P.O.V (a/n: picture above)

I guess I expected a call or a text. I wouldn't have cared what it was saying, as long as it was from Jo, telling me she was alive.

I mean, it has only been a week... but I am kinda worried. When Jason was here, we didn't text a whole lot. Yet Jo told me something about her dad. How he left just out of the blue. Went away and did not even try to keep contact. And now he is back again.

Right now, I am watching the original Star Wars for the millionth time. But, for the first time, I am not engrossed in it. Mostly, the movie is background noise while I worry about my new friend. Homework is what I should be doing, but you know how it goes. So many things distracting me.

I start to drift off. I am in that state between sleep and awake. The dreams are ones I probably will not remember when I am fully awake. That could be a good thing, though.

The doorbell screams, alerting me that someone is at the door and I should wake up fully. So I do. Slowly, sleepily, I make my way downstairs to the front door.

Opening the door, I realize I am just in sweats and I am topless. My hair is a disaster; like normal. Shrugging, I open the door fully to see a disheveled Jo.

Her hair is so much worse than mine. The jeans are ripped, her shirt has mud all over it. Jo has a duffel bag slung on her shoulder that looks really old. She drops the bag and says "Hey."

"H-hi?" I ask more than say. Scratching my head I say "Come in."

Stepping out of the way for her to come in, I also tell her to go "take a shower." I add a please afterwards since it is her life, but I think she wants to take one.

Jo laughs and says "Ok. But then we need to talk. I need you to do something."

"Sure. Shower and come down. I'm gonna make something to eat. I am starving."

Jo takes off up the stairs and I head to the kitchen to make chicken nuggets.


Twenty minutes later, the chicken I take it out of the oven. Jo comes down the stairs just after I am done putting chicken on the plates and getting waters.

"Hey." Jo says quietly.

"Hello." I reply in the same tone.

"So. Chicken?"



"Shall we sit?" I ask and point to the table.

"We shall." Jo laughs a little as we sit and start to eat.

I take a bite then look to Jo. "You said we had to talk?"

"Yes, I did. So, I have no clue who my father really is or what he has done. He took us to some cabin in the middle of the woods.  That is where he took us so we could move there. I kept getting chills and such when I was inside, so I left a little less than a week ago. There were these notes with creepy sayings on them, too. That was the last straw. I ran away at, like, midnight with all my stuff -- which is in the duffel bag by the door. The next evening, when I awoke, I saw my dad driving his black truck on the road by the woods I was running in. It was scary. So, I went the other way. Eventually, I found a very, very small town. There was one diner and I went in and there was a roundish lady behind the counter. I asked for a map and she gave me food. Then, I finally got the map and saw I was about fifteen miles from here. About three to four miles a day was all I could go because of my lack of food and being scared. I would stop at gas stations when I saw one for food." Jo pauses to take a bite of her chicken then continues.

"And then I got here. I couldn't go back to my old house, but I could come here. I hope y'all don't mind. Oh, God! I just kinda came here and made a decision. I'm sorry. I should go. I can't have your mom and family worry about feeding another mouth. So-"

I cut her off. "No. You're not leaving. I have already lost one best friend. I can't lose another. You will stay here. Stay for as long as you want/need. Mom won't mind. And if she does... I don't care."

Jo laughs and then says, "Thanks, Nick. You are the only person, or friend, I have to talk to right now. And I was wondering if you would like to help me find the answers?"

"Really?! That would be so fun. But, also kinda not fun. Are you ready for answers?"

"I... I think so."

"Well then, yes. I will help you find answers to all of your questions."


Hey y'all!

So... I want you all to know. My cousin is doing fine. I don't know if I told y'all, but my cousin was a full month, or more, prematurely born. We all though she wouldn't make it. But the baby shower is planned for in a couple weeks. I know y'all are probably thinking 'she is already born.' I agree, but her mom was not able to do anything before the baby was born, let alone a baby shower, so afterwards is when it is.

Yay! Comments and votes please.

- Batman

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