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I wake up in a very white, bright room. I hear a steady beating and look over to my right where I hear the sound coming from. I see a box thing with my heart beat going at a steady pace. Well i guess I am alive.

I look to my left and see Nick and Dad sitting in the chairs at the far end of the room. Wat! Dad? Why is he here?

Nick looks like he is falling asleep and Dad is already passed out. Like normal, once he puts his head on a pillow (or in this case, a chair) he is dead to the world.

I decide to say something to Nick, to let him know i am awake. And to know why i am here... with Dad. I cannot seem to remember.

"Hey." I say but my voice is hoarse. I need water. Nick looks up. Good he heard my fail of an attempt to talk.

"Hey." He says and looks down again.

Well.... that was strange.

Then, suddenly, Nick's head shoots up. "You are... You are awake." He says with some disbelief in his voice.

I nod since we all know bow talking worked last time. Nick gets up out of his chair and comes over to next to my bed. "Sooo..." he says dragging out the 'o'.

"Water." I whisper, but it sounds just as bad as talking.

It takes a moment for Nick to realize what I mean. How late is it? "Oh. You need a drink of water?" He asks.

I nod, yet again, not even bothering to attempt using my voice. Nick says "M'kay. I am gonna go get that for ya. Be right back." And smiles. I smile in return and he leaves.

I feel my eyes getting droopy and heavy. Man, I am tired! I know, I was just sleeping but I am.

Feeling sleep overtake me, I give in to the much needed rest.


Hey y'all!

So... as you know, or should know, I have school. I get homework, more than you know. I try to update, promise.

Do not get mad at me for taking a little longer to get updates in.

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                                    - Batman <3

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