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Jo's P.O.V

It was nice to know that Nick cared about me. And, then, to hear him say he would help me find answers was so relieving.

I guess I just want answers. That is it. I don't care about going on with anything else, right now. Don't want a relationship at the moment. Actually, I never have had one...

But, none is needed for this. Nick is so nice. I just don't want to get with him. We are friends. That is it.

His eyes are so pretty, though. So is Chris Hemsworth's eyes. I love Benedict Cumberbatch's eyes more. His are so lovely. Greenish blue. Changing some at times.

Enough about eyes. Currently, I am in the guest room. The same one that I was going to be in before my mom went to the hospital. I still love the colors. Pulling the covers up to my neck, I lay back in the bed. The time is around eleven. My phone is only at eighty per cent. I only got back after three. Also, my phone charger is slow and a new one is needed.

I turn it on and grab my earbuds. Plugging them in, I put my whole music library on shuffle. The first song is 'What Hurts The Most' by Rascal Flatts.

I fall asleep with music in my ears and the smell of my freshly shampoo hair in my nose. The warm blankets keep me safe.

I'm Fine (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now