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We are both laughing and excited. He is probably more so, but yeah. I get why, I mean he finally one something against me. Yay!

Not really.

"So, Spaghetti? I have not made that in a while."

"What?" Nick gasps, and fakes his death.

"Hahaha. Yeah. I have mostly been eating take out food recently. My mom would sometimes make something special. But, most times, it was something like macaroni and cheese from a box." I sigh.

"Oh sorry. That sucks."

"Yeah. Well. It is not your fault my family is disfunctional."

"Still..." He trails off. I give him a look.

"So we need pasta noodles, sauce, cheese, bread sticks, and... and nothing else." He goes on and I smile at him.

"Ok. Where do you keep the pasta noodles?" I ask.

"No." Nick says firmly.


"You have had a busy day, I am making the food."

"But I wanna help. I wanna do something. It makes me feel better."

"I will make it and you will sit there and we will talk. I barely know you."

Oh yeah I just met him and am already staying the night. Keep in mind I am a very different person, who has emotional problems, addictions, and very disfunctional parents. Stuff like that means you go a different way then everyone else. "Yeah... Sorry about that."

"It's fine. You are nice and my mom seems to like you. And you needed somewhere to sleep. I was not going to let you stay in an alley or somewhere where you could die."

You would not like me staying here as much if you knew...

"Fine. I will let you make me our food. It might be nice to not have to do it myself." I look for a chair to sit in and find that there are two choices. A wooden one that is pretty with carving on it, or a plain wood one. I choose the pretty one.

I go and sit on it and find that it is kind of uncomfortable. I decide to sit in the plain chair and find that it is comfy. Well compared to the other one. If we were comparing a couch with pillows to the plain chair, then I would give the gold star to the couch.

"Since we do not really know each other, how about we ask the other person questions."

"Uh, ok. What kind of questions?"

"Interests, favorite things, life. Stuff like that."

Let's hope he does not ask about my parents. Nick starts on making the spaghetti.

"So what is your favorite color?" He asks.


"Nice, I like blue best."

My turn. "Umm... What is your favorite animal?" I ask after thinking a few seconds.

"Gila monster."

"Those are ok. Mine is a giraffe."

"What do you do for fun?"

"Well..." I honestly don't really know. I haven't had fun for a while. Before Kylie died I was having a lot of depression. Then she died. "I like to watch movies." I finally decide.

"Movies are great. What is your favorite movie?"

"Hey! It is my turn!"

Nick laughs. "Caught me. So what is your question?"

"That was a question too!"

"Sorry. Go!"

"Thank you. Who is your best friend?" I ask even though it is hard. I just want to know who he does everything with, shares secrets with.

I'm Fine (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now