Chapter 156 - Heard Fortress (1)

Start from the beginning


The Skeleton Fragment fell near the feet of the Voodoo Lizardmen, and it quickly gained its form.  He hadn't planned this out, but the Skeleton Warrior ironically had the shape of a Lizardman. 

It was made from a level 180 Fanged Lizardman's bones as ingredients.  These monsters were famous for their sharp canines.

The Fanged Lizardman had a unique battle style where it bit its enemy with its sharp canines.

When it took form, it immediately bit the Voodoo Lizardman in front of it.


When the Voodoo Lizardman let out a scream in fright, the Zombies turned towards their owner.

Naturally, the Skeleton Knights were shown the backs of the Zombies.

‘Would you look at this?’

The Zombies had ignored the Skeleton Knights, and the Skeleton Knights started chopping off their heads as penalty for their action.


The Skeleton Knights and Hyrkan were like walking guillotines.  They unhesitatingly unleashed violence.

The most striking part was that Hyrkan's sword strike didn't make any sounds.


The Skeleton Knights let out a sound that could be easily discerned as a sound a sword makes.


Hyrkan's sword sounded like a shaving blade cutting facial hair.

There was no cry. 

This meant the sword wasn't the Crying Sword.

So what was identity of the sword in his hands?

It was the Deposed Prince's Sword!

Hyrkan was using the sword that he had previously equipped on the Death Knight.

It's effectiveness was a given.

Hyrkan moved forward as he severed the necks of the Zombies.  When the Zombie's head fell to the ground, he crushed it as if he was stepping on rotten tomatoes.

Of course, the Zombies didn't just die from such an attack.

They were called Zombies, because they were Undead.

Hyrkan was just buying time.

He was buying time, so his Skeleton Warriors could take down the Voodoo Lizardmen without being harassed by the Zombies.

Ggieh!  Ggieehhh!

While the owner of the Skeletons and the Skeleton Knights displayed their prowess, the Skeleton Warriors loyally performed their duty..  The sudden cry and scream from the Voodoo Lizardmen was like a live update on how the Skeleton Warriors were faring against them.

The Skeleton Warriors finished their battle around the 3 minute mark.  They answered their owner's trust with a huge gift.

[You level has increased.]

Level Up!

Hyrkan was now level 207.  However, at that moment, he wasn't feeling happy about his Level Up.  Regret was the first emotion he felt.  He should have used up all his magical energy by summoning a Skeleton Warrior or the Golem before he leveled up.

‘I'm overflowing with money, but I'm not able to spend it anywhere right now.  Jeez.’

Currently, his account was overflowing with money, but he still had a lot of consumable in his possession.  If he went out and bought more, it would be a waste of money.   He was a little bit irritated that he still lived on a fiscally conservative budget.  He couldn’t bring himself to waste his Items on luxury items.

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