"Who knows. I doubt it though with how I get my hard headedness from you" she soon joked, earning a small hit on the arm from her mom making her snicker.

"Okay I think it's time for you to leave" her mom said playfully.

"We were heading out anyways" Y/n laughed out. "Koji, are you finished cleaning?" she called out to the boy.

"Yeah!" he stated before making his way over to his mom who picked him up.

"We'll be leaving then, say bye to grandma" she said softly.

"Bye grandma!!" Koji said with a wave, a smile on his face as the older woman chuckled.

"See you later Koji" she said before the two left. 

Y/n opened the door to the car before setting the toddler in his car seat and buckling him up. She hummed softly while Koji was looking through his drawings that he drew and shoved it in his mother's face to show it to her which she hummed and complimented him in reply. Once she was done buckling him up, she closed the door and went to the driver's side and started the car before driving off to their apartment. 

"Do you want to eat anything before we go home?" she question the toddler as she looked at him through her rear view mirror. She smiled as she saw his brows furrow a bit, looking out the window before his eyes lit up.

"Onigiri!!" he exclaimed.

She chuckled softly. "You don't want to eat actual food?" she questioned.

"Onigiri is real food" he pouted. He soon smiled before pointing out the window. "Lets go there!" he exclaimed.

She slowed down the car and looked outside the window only to see a shop and the name on the small building making her slightly panic, seeing the name of the building, 'Onigiri Miya'. "Why not go to a different one?" she questioned, hoping her son would change his mind, but it seems that he had gotten the stubbornness from her side of the family.

"But it's good! My friends said so!" he exclaimed.

She sighed, knowing that he would start throwing a fit if she didn't agree as she decided to park her car a few blocks away from the shop before turning off the car. "Alright, lets go then" she sighed out as Koji cheered.

"Onigiri onigiri!!" he sang out as she started to take him out of his car seat, a smile not helping but to appear on her face as she set him down on the ground and closed the car door, locking it before the two held hands and started to make their way to the shop, the small boy still singing about Onigiri.

Y/n on the other hand was slightly panicking. Even though she missed her friends from high school she didn't want to meet them. She already knows that they'll say the same thing like her mom has said to her once they see Koji. She's done enough to survive on her own, the last thing she needs is Atsumu back in her life. Once they went through the door, there were already people there having their fair share of onigiri themselves. 

"Which one do you want?" she questioned the boy as she picked him up so he could take a closer look at the menu.

"All of it!" he exclaimed. 

Others had heard the boy's answer, making them chuckle as Y/n chuckled herself. "We can only get some, not all of it Koji" she stated softly. He furrowed his brows before nodding and looked at the menu once more. Y/n waited patiently until someone had called out her name.

"Y/n-San?" someone had said, making her tense up and her blood go cold. Slowly, she turned around as Koji's attention was turned to the person as well since he had shared that same last name as his mom. The two looked over, only to see a much older female looking at the two as a smile graced her lips. "It is you" she said softly before her eyes soon moved to Koji who only grinned and waved at her, making her chuckle and wave back. "And you are?" she questioned.

"I'm L/n Koji! I'm three years old!" he stated proudly.

"Kita-San, it's nice to see you" Y/n smiled softly, still tense.

"Why don't you order and we can sit down and talk" she said with a smile. "And please, call me Yumie instead" she said.

"Of course" Y/n said, still smiling.

"I'll go find us a table then" she stated before walking off.

Once she saw the old woman walk off, she let out a soft sigh, cursing at herself for being spotted by someone that knew her. She quickly ordered her food from the employee, glancing around behind them, making sure a certain twin doesn't recognize her before she quickly went and sat down next to Yumie. 

"How are you? I haven't seen you after you graduated from" Inarizaki" Yumie said with a smile.

"Well, I've been busy after I got myself a kid. Having to drop him off at daycare then go to work and after that pick him up from my mom's house and then coming home and cook food" Y/n said, explaining her usual day to day life.

"How is your mother?" she questioned.

"She's been doing great." Y/n said with a smile. "She stopped aging physically so she looks younger than she looks" she said as the two softly chuckled. 

Yumie nodded with a smile before noticing the small boy who was going through his mother's purse, making her chuckle. "Who's the father?" she questioned.

Y/n's eyes widened as she quickly glanced at Koji but didn't seemed to be paying attention, seeming to be too distracted with going through her purse. She tried to compose herself before looking over at the older woman whose eyes were filled with sympathy. "I think you know who it is" she said softly, making sure Koji couldn't hear her. 

The older woman let out a soft sigh. "You're just like your mother." she said before having a small smile. "Why don't you try reconciling with him?" she questioned.

"Mom said that too, but I only declined" she said, softly sighing. "I've been doing just great without him, and him just suddenly coming back into my life, no, into our life, I just don't think I can handle that" she confessed.

"Well, you never know" Yumie smiled softly. "Kita has been saying that he's gathering the boys to have a reunion here tomorrow night, maybe you should join, since you were their manager and all" she suggested.

"I'm not so sure about that" Y/n said with a soft smile. "I have to take care of Koji and all" she stated.

"I'm sure you can use a small break, I think you deserve it Y/n" Yumie stated firmly.

"Well, maybe, but I can't make any promises" Y/n stated with a smile, but she knew that she wasn't going to meet up with the boys. "I just don't want to ruin their all boys reunion y'know?" Y/n said.

"Nonsense! I'm sure they would be happy to see you!" Yumie waved her hand a bit with a smile. "Don't overthink it too much dear, I'm sure you miss them as much as they miss you" she stated.

"Maybe" Y/n said before running a hand through Koji's black hair as he giggled in response.

"Here's your order" an employee stated before setting down a few plates that were filled with food as Koji gasped, his eyes lighting up. 

"Mommy the food's here!" he exclaimed, quickly turning his head and looking up at Y/n and grinned as she chuckled.

"It is" she said softly.

"Y/n?" a male voice this time spoke out, causing the female's blood to run cold once more, recognizing the voice as she slowly looked up at the employee who handed them their food, only to make eye contact with a male with the same brown eyes as Koji. 

"Osamu..." Y/n said in a whisper.

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