New home.

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After the fire incident the dorms were all closed. This includes the dorms that weren't attacked. It was too much of a potential  threat. Everyone gathered their stuff and returned to live with their parents. This only showed UA that dorms were a fail.

Midoryia and Bakugo weren't allowed back to their old home. They had to live with.....


"I'm going to have to tell you that Midoryia and Bakugo have to live with you." Nezu told Aziawa during a private meeting. "Wait why??" Aziawa groaned. "Bakugo's dad also died. Midoryia has no close relatives as well as Bakugo. We can't allow the students to live alone considering they're vigilantes at the moment. It'd be stupid to make them live together alone knowing they're both vigilantes. Your the only adult they'll listen to so I'm telling you to take care of them" Nezu explained. "These 2 are problem children in class now I have to deal with them at home?" Aziawa complained. "I trust you a lot Aziawa. Please take care of them" Nezu concluded the meeting.

Aziawa left and pinched the bridge of his nose. He sighed preparing himself for the worst. He had extra rooms that were never put to use so now they would actually have one.

The class got anything that remained of theirs and took it home which was quite a lot because the fire didn't make it up to their rooms too fast. Midoryia was keeping all of his stuff afloat while floating himself. The weapons were disguised as clothes, he couldn't let Aziawa take them away. Bakugo's stuff was also floating with Midoryia's. The 2 agreed that if one of them picks them up the other would be unpacking all of it.

They thought they'd be living in their old homes. That was until...

"You 2. Look you might not like what I'm about to tell you, I don't either but Nezu is forcing this" Aziawa groaned. "What is it?" Midoryia asked. "You 2 are going to live with me." Aziawa said bluntly. Midoryia's calm  expression quickly turned into a panicked one. "What??" Bakugo asked. "Nezu doesn't want you 2 to live alone in your houses so now I have to care for you. Please don't make this hard" Aziawa sighed. "Whatever" Midoryia replied. Bakugo didn't care much either.

The 2 got all their stuff ready and followed Aziawa to his car. After a 20 minute drive they were finally at his house.

The door creaked open as Aziawa shoved it. Midoryia was holding all the stuff.

Aziawa's house from the outside wasn't too much, it looked like the average house. When they walked in they were greeted by a...

Cute little cat!

It was a gray and white cat with a pink nose and paws. It had beautiful sapphire eyes and long fur. Her name was  fluffy. Aziawa lived alone so adopting an animal was a great choice for him.

Midoryia and Bakugo looked around, it was a fairly average house, fabric couches black and white carpet and green and white walls. The ceiling was black. It also had ceiling lights!

Midoryia and Bakugo were taken to their rooms. They had to share a room, again!  "Midoryia. What is this?" Aziawa said pointing to the chest. Midoryia accidentally got distracted and the stuff began to float apart. "It's just holding clothes. See" Midoryia said. Midoryia knew this might've happened to her put at least a layer of clothes on the top to make it look believable. "Alright then. Well here's your room get comfortable I guess"  Aziawa groaned.

Midoryia and Bakugo's room was very plain. It had white walls and a carpet with some curtains. Other than that there was nothing. The school have them the 2 beds they slept in so that was the first thing they set up.

After getting resituated everything was perfect. They hid their weapons under the bed again since no one looks under there.

It was 8:00pm when they finished setting everything up. Midoryia was already writing a plan to save Tokoyami. "Hey Kachaan. Did you check the location tracker?" Midoryia asked. "No but I probably should" Bakugo said pulling out his phone. After a couple minutes they finally found where he was keeping Eri.

"It looks like it's completely south from the first location. The League's base is north from the location this isn't good. We'd have to divide 2 groups to save both of them tomorrow. I'll take 1 group and you'll take the other. You'd be better saving Tokoyami. I'll be taking down Chisaki." Midoryia explained. "Yeah that makes sense." Bakugo agreed. "Only issue I currently see is that shigaraki wants us both dead. You can't let him touch you, so cut his arms off" Midoryia said. "Eh I guess that works. How am I going to deal with Kurogiri?" Bakugo asked. "You won't be fighting alone this time. Other pros will be there they can desk with him, all you worry about is cutting Shigarakis arms off. If he doesn't have arms he can't use his quirk and we can throw him in jail without worry" Midoryia replied. "Heh. Bet" Bakugo deviously smirked. That smirk held an insane intent, Shigaraki and Chisaki would be armless tomorrow.

Midoryia figured out how to brace his back in place since back casts weren't a thing. He just figured out a good position and paused the area of the sprained spine in place. Now it could heal properly without bothering Midoryia.


"Why did you bring him?" Asked a ticked off shigaraki. "I thought he would be a good hostage to bait the 2." Spinner spat. "What happened to Dabi?" Kurogiri asked. "I don't know, he went inside the building and never came back out" spinner replied. "Ugh the brats must've took him" shigaraki spat. Dabi was a good fighter and an important asset, losing him could risk losing taking over.

"We'll get him back. Soon" Kurogiri said. They didn't know where exactly he was, he could be in tartarus or he could be held captive at UA. Midoryia's pause quirk means he wouldn't be able to fight back so he could literally be anywhere. "I hope they didn't interrogate him, Dabi would tell them everything once pain was put on the table" shigaraki scowled. "Let's just hope he's hiding somewhere" Kurogiri said trying to lighten up the mood.

Ever since shigaraki began to train for the new power his disintegration quirk also became stronger. It would disintegrate things faster than usual not to mention he could no control what he wanted to disintegrate. Now he doesn't have to wear a bandage on one of his fingers so he doesn't disintegrate door knobs.


The next morning.

Midoryia and Bakugo got suited up in their best gear. They couldn't wait any longer if they did soon everything would go to..... Hell.

Not even the heros knew of the plan yet all they knew was there would be a meeting held.

Midoryia and Bakugo also had a lot of weapons on them, how else would they cut off their arms. Aziawa drove them to school,not knowing they had weapons

They went to the conference room where they found a bunch of pros waiting. "So what's the plan, Midoryia" Nezu asked. Midoryia was floating since it still hurt to walk around.

"I have everything written out. From what I can see the plan will work and Eri and Tokoyami will be safe" Midoryia replied. "How exactly do you know?" Sir nighteye asked. "My quirk allows me to see the future. If we all follow my plan to its exact details then all the villains will be jailed up and unable to do damage" Midoryia replied. "What how?? I thought only I could?" Sir nighteye asked. "No" was all Midoryia replied with.

"Alright enough chit chat what's the plan" Aziawa asked.

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