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With Deku

Deku woke up at 9:26am. He wanted to sleep longer but didn't want to find out what would happen if he was late to a meeting so he got ready. He took a nice shower and cooked breakfast, it was just some simple pancakes. "Knock knock" there was a knock at his door. Deku slumply got up and opened it. Bakugo! "Oh hey kachaan. Where going now? The walk in only 10 minutes and it's 10:02" Deku said as he rubbed his eyes. The sun was bright. "Deku. Is your clock broken?? It's 10:15!"  Deku actually lost track of time whilst making pancakes. "Crap!" Deku shouted as he grabbed his shoes. He was already in training clothes.

The 2 boys dashed to the alleyway. They had 5 minutes to spare, they made it. Deku drank some of the water he packed. The fresh cold water felt nice on his dry mouth. Soon the portal opened up and they walked in. "Alright today you'll be learning how to use weapons. Here is the equipment" Kurogiri said as he revealed a table full of weapons. It ranged from guns/projectiles to knives/swords. Deku's eyes gleamed with excitement this was his strong suit. He learned hand eye coordination and precision because of the body training. He had to aim with his hands whenever he punched as well as deflect. The weapons would come as second nature to him.

"Chose your weapons!(I would recommend a mix of projectiles and hand held things)" Kurogiri said. Deku and Bakugo both walked up to the table. Deku's eyes landed on a green and black cylinder like thing. It had a small button on it. "If you plan to open it back up" Shigaraki said as he noticed Deku fiddling with the metal cylinder. "Alright then" Deku backed up. He pressed the button and within the blink of an eye he was holding a scythe. Deku's eyes flashed with excitement over the new weapon. "Ik taking this one" Deku smirked as he pressed the button again. It shrunk back to the metal cylinder. With how small it could be he could throw off any opponent. He went back to the table and continued to search.

His eyes landed on a couple throwing knives, a knife, and 2 guns, not including the scythe he also took an interest to. Bakugo had grabbed 3 guns, 2 knives, and a concealable sword. 

"Fair choice of weapons if I do say so myself. You'll be learning how to use these properly. Don't worry you won't be using it against each other, we have robots." Kurogiri said. Kurogiri didn't want to Immediately get into killing people. Especially not knowing their actual ambitions. Would they kill an innocent? Or would they only kill those who deserve it? Kurogiri doesn't know that yet. "That's nice!" Deku said fond over the new weapons. All for one only watched in silence.

"To the training room!" Kurogiri said as he opened a portal. The training room looked different today. It was a average looking city. "Alright I have robots along this course. Using your weapons I want you to "kill" the robots. Your goal should be at least 3 if you get more the better." Kurogiri said. "How did you guys get a whole city here?" Bakugo asked. "All for ones quirk" was all Kurogiri replied with. Deku and Bakugo grinned. They imagined the robots to be villains. So they wouldn't have a hard time killing them. "Ready steady go!" Kurogiri screamed as he set a timer. The timer was set to 10 minutes. Deku and Bakugo took different path ways.

Deku walked through a dark alley way when he found 2 robots. "Hah found you" Deku laughed as he pulled out his scythe. He cut through the robots heads and ran off into another alleyway. Cameras were set up literally everywhere so Kurogiri was able to watch all their progress. Deku saw another robot in the alleyway across the road. Bring stealthy he took another alleyway that connected to that one and killed the robot. Now any extra one he killed were bonus points.

He ran through the city killing any robot he saw.

Bakugo also had his fair share of killing robots. He killed around 5 when Deku was already on his 6th. There were about 15 robots total meaning 4 robots were left. Who would've thought for them to be all in the same alleyway.

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