Chapter 142 - The Frozen Land (1)

Start from the beginning

In the end, a magician gave an answer, and at the same time, he threw the ball of fire in his hand forward.

The ball of fire thrown by the magician started to roll forward.  As it rolled forward, it started to expand, and in moments, it took the form of an enormous bear.


Flame Bear.

This scary magical spell was charging forward as it melted the snow away.

However, Sohank was the one in the path of the charging Flame Bear.


He was the one that had ordered the use of the magic, but he never expected the Flame Bear to charge at him from his rear.

Sohank took short breaths.  The important part will start now.  If he did nothing, he would be sandwiched by the two bears.

It was the moment of truth.  Sohank moved when he saw an opportunity.  The Ice Bear had been continuously ramming into his shield.  Sohank lashed out at the Ice Bear with his shield.


A loud sound exploded forth, and the Ice Bear's body was shifted slightly to the side. 


The Ice Bear had been about to let out a roar, but now it was letting out a low growl.  It was a sound made when a beast has reached the peak of its anger.

However, when the Ice Bear reorientated its head to express its anger, Sohank had disappeared from its field of vision.  When he hit the Ice Bear on the head, Sohank had immediately escaped from his current location.

Sohank had leaped into the air, and he landed on the Ice Bear's nape.

As he landed, Sohank took out the dagger equipped on his leg, and he stabbed it into the neck of the Ice Bear.


The dagger was planted inside the Ice Bear's neck.  It was in only up to the depth of the middle knuckle.  It couldn't be considered to be a deep wound.


However, it was enough to drive the Ice Bear into a rage.

The Ice Bear suddenly stood up.  At the same time, it turned to look towards its back.  Sohank was hanging on by grabbing onto his dagger.  Instead of shaking Sohank off, it planned on biting him.


It was great timing.  The Flame Bear threw itself at the Ice Bear, and it swung its paw.


The Flame Bear's front paw let out a rough sound as it violently struck the Ice Bear's head.


The Ice Bear's head snapped to the side, and a terrifying claw mark appeared on its face.

At that moment, the Ice Bear's anger wasn't directed at Sohank at all.  It was directed towards the Flame Bear.  The two bears immediately started to fight each other.  The two bears stood on their hind legs, and they used their front paws to strike at each other.  Neither bear backed down, but it wasn’t a good battle to watch.

The Ice Bear was much more stronger than the Flame Bear.  The Flame Bear could only leave scratches and wounds on the Ice Bear's body.  The Ice Bear's attacks took chunks off of the Flame Bear's body.

The two bears exchanged about 10 blows in total, and the Flame Bear became mangled.  It started to disappear into the snowstorm.

During all of this, Sohank created wounds on the Ice Bear's back and waist.  Again, the wound wasn't deep, but the location from where he struck was exquisite.  He was at a location where the Ice Bear's limbs and teeth couldn't reach him.  He was basically in its blind spot.

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