Chapter 122 - Bad Ending? (3)

Start from the beginning

“All right. Let's try at least once. It isn't as if we can runaway forever.”

“If I wanted to run away all the time in a paid game, I would be playing Pacman.”

“Follow Whistling Pitbull in! We'll live if we stick together!”

The Users that had been about to run away changed their minds.  They ran back into the battlefield, and they fought with Whistling Pitbull as they formed a wedge. Everything was resolved rapidly afterwards.  The Corrupted army was broken in half, and the Corrupted army broke up further to form smaller groups.  The Users defeated them one by one.  Most of the Users weren't talented at fighting a large group like the Corrupted army, but they had a lot of experience in taking down small number of monsters.

The Fighters guild had broken the streak of losses, and they were somewhat able to direct the Users.

However, this method couldn't be replicated by others, and it wasn't an answer that would change the tide of the battle.

They needed a strategy instead of directions.  They needed a tactic where anyone could copy it, and the result had to be certain.  They needed a method where the effect could be seen immediately!

A User appeared to propose such a method.


“One of the special characteristics of the Corrupted army is the Siege mode where their vision narrows. If put in simpler terms, they won't stop marching even if the comrade next to them is killed. This is why it is very easy to hunt the monsters on the periphery while they are moving. This is what knowledgeable people call Gnawing.”

In the footage, there was a man wearing a red Hahoe Mask standing in front of a castle.  He was pointing at the Corrupted Army, while he earnestly gave an explanation.

On another video, the Corrupted army had broken through the Castle gate.  As if this wasn't enough, the Corrupted army broke down the castle wall, and they marched past the rubble.

“The fact that the castle gate and castle wall had fallen doesn't have to signal the end of a battle.”

In this video, the man wearing a red Hahoe Mask was giving an explanation again.

“Actually, this is the time to attack.  When a castle gate is breached or a castle wall falls, there is something that will always happen! This congestion of traffic always happens!  A small number of Tankers can buy time.  At the same time, AOE magic can be used on the monsters stuck in the bottleneck.  The effect would be beyond description. If you can maintain this line, the defense of the castle is possible.”

The footage switched to the sight of numerous buildings within the castle being destroyed.

“The buildings are incredible obstacles for the monsters.  There is no reason why you shouldn't use the obstacles to your advantage. The street fights are the last battle before the castle is lost, but it is also the battle where the advantage is overwhelmingly in the User’s favor.  Don't panic, because it is a street fight.  Enjoy it. This will be the chance to participate in the most easiest hunts, so don't run away.”

It was a video regarding tactics.

The Hahoe Mask unhesitatingly put out videos where he showed tactics on how to defeat the Corrupted army.

The Users were brooding from the fact that they kept losing in the great battle.  The video was like sweet water to the Users, who had suffered.

- I acknowledge this is a very good tip!

- It is as the Hahoe Mask said. You have to approach the Corrupted army laterally instead of a head-to-head contest. The battle becomes very easy. The Gnawing method is really sweet!

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