Year 4~Hogwarts

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The next morning Harry woke up on Draco chest his face tucked into Draco's neck, with Draco's hands around Harry's waist.

"morning Harry." Draco said stroking Harry's hair. Harry made a muffled noise before nuzzling more into Draco's chest. Draco let out a small laugh before sitting up and lifting Harry's face with his fingers under his chin. He gave Harry a gentle kiss, Harry softly kissing back . "aNd ILL sAy iT aGaIn, no kissing in my roommmm."
Ron said sitting up "annoyed".(but he was secretly very happy for them.) Draco oh so slowly pulled away from Harry smirking.

"sorry Ron tHaT rule doesn't exist here." He said laughing and smirking. Ron gave up and curled back under the blankets going right back to sleep, before a 'annoyed' Hermione came in. "Guys come on ! Ron get up ! Draco is Harry already up- he's still asleep- gReAt." Draco and Ron laughed, Draco whispered something in Harry's ear making him go bright red. "He's awake now" Draco said smirking with a blushing brightly Harry sitting in his lap. Hermione just stared and left out a small laugh and left.

"aNd ill be going to change u two love birds can stay here." Ron said grabbing his clothes and leaving, Draco and Harry nodded.

**Time skip to the Hogwarts express**
   "You all have everything...???" Molly Weasley asked everyone including  Hermione, Harry, and Draco. They all nodded climbing onto the Hogwarts express looking for a compartment. When they finally found a compartment Draco started thinking about Pansy and Blaise just before they heard a bang on the compartment door. "see I told you they were here Blaise." Pansy said turning to Blaise.

"oH- hey guys." They gave a wave and waved at Ron and Hermione.(more of glaring *cough*). They sat down next to Draco and Harry looking worried. "wait- all of you guys went to the World Cup right..?" Pansy asked, all of them nodding. "jnsnssn- wHaT hApPeNeD, aRe yOu gUyS oK..?" She asked all of them mostly Draco and Harry looking concerned. "Were fine Pansy, it was just some death eaters just decided to show up, yOu KnOw..?" Draco said sarcastically, pulling Harry closer smIlInG. "oH- and we're fine too thanks for aSkInG." Hermione said looking at Pansy. They kept talking for a while before they all fell asleep, but eventually for the trolley full of treats.

"aNyThInG fRoM tHe TrOlLeY dEaRs....??" The lady asked making some of them jump but Ron and Harry went to go get something off the trolley. Once Harry went back to Draco he had about 10 treats in his hand. "Har- oK tHen." Draco said laughing.

** Times skip to Hogwarts**
Everyone was sitting in the great hall while dumbledor was trying to get everyone's attention. "I'd like tO mAKe an announcement, this castle will not only be your home this year, but also home to some special guest this year as eee Hogwarts has been chosen to hold a legendary event. The tri-wizard for those who don't know, the tri-wizard tournament bring together three schools for magical contest. For each school a single student is chosen to compete and let me tell you, if chosen you stand alone...."  Dumbledore continued to explain students from beauxbatons came out dancing and Dumstrang students coming out as well.
Well iM bAcK, I hope u liked this new chapter ! I pRoMiSe next chapter their going to learn about the tri-wizard tournament. AnYwAys byee my darlings~

Harry Potter in slytherin;❪ ♯ ❫  𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝙵𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now