34. Trentaquattro

Start from the beginning

"Wait what.?" I sit up, positioning the phone in my other ear, wearing Gian's discarded t-shirt.

"Oh, shit.! I didn't tell you. Right okay. So David came on the day of our kindergarten celebration. Actually, he had been working late so he could make up for our 10-day vacation at Fiji. We were actually delayed. We just came and now... we are going to throw a party and also I am moving it with him. So..." I could hear the smile and blush in her voice.

Okay, that's too much to take for me, but apparently not for Helen.

"Okay, then. I will come. Just text me the address." I say hanging up, slumping back on the bed again.

Gian came out of the bathroom, his waist was wrapped in a white towel, droplets of water were falling from his hair, his skin looked extra soft and extra hot. Crawling on the bed towards him, I leaned up hooking my arms around his neck, I kiss his lips.

"Where does Helen want you to come now.?" he murmured, not hiding his disdain.

"You are rude, Gian." I chuckle. He shoved me playfully, I plopped on the mattress again, watching him dress up.

"She is inviting us to a party at her house, where she will be living with her boyfriend from now on." I tell him and I am pretty sure I heard him say 'slut'under his breath.

"But I... anyways. if you wanna go then I will drop you..." I opened my mouth to speak but he didn't allow me. "I heard you speak and it didn't sound like I had been invited. Not that I would like to go anywhere near that girl."

"Hey, don't say that.! And anyway she is the reason we met." I say sitting cross-legged on the bed, my back was straight and chin up in proud reminding him of the day when I scolded him.

Gian raised his brows, feigning interest in our conversation. "You mean when she left the kid unattended to drown at his own pee in the bathroom to ogle at Lorenzo." he drawled.

"She was just...wait.! What did you say? Lorenzo.?" I ask quizzically. He shrugged his shoulders, retreating to look at the mirror and comb his hair.

"But- Oh my Gosh.! Why didn't you tell me, Gian." I shriek. Standing on the bed, leaning my upper body on his back, propping my chin on his shoulder I pout.

"I scolded you for nothing." I whisper, feeling guilty.

"I loved that fire in your eyes. How protective you were. And I loved hearing your voice, Principessa." He answered, tapping the tip of his comb on my nose.

"That's cheesy." I mumble digging my chin on his shoulder.

"But you like it." he pointed.

"I do." I beam.

"So let's not give Helen any credit." he said hauling me up on his back. He grabbed my legs wrapping them around his waist, I hooked my ankles together and squealed in joy, piggybacking him. My face was buried in his hair inhaling his spicy scent.

"Not now, of course. Credit goes to you for not snapping at me." I say ruefully, craning my neck to face him as he walked toward the kitchen.

"Stop beating yourself up, Principessa." he turned his head to peck my nose. "I would have found you sooner or later. And why were you teaching two classes anyway." He asked me, taking out the coffee mugs, no longer holding his hand behind my thighs, I was glued to his body like a leech.

"Because Bilson didn't show up." I murmur against his neck.

"Bilson... What kind of a teacher is he.?" I frowned. Usually, Gian doesn't care about them and calls them all nuisance.

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