14. Quattordici

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I sat in the same spot as last time on the couch

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I sat in the same spot as last time on the couch. Zara removed her watch and bangles from her wrists, placing them on the table before excusing herself to disappear with the half-dead mutt in her arms. When she came back, the frailly motherfucker was out of the blanket he had been covered in, wearing a fresh pair of diapers. What the fuck.! He began to snore as soon as his head hit the plush dog bed.

Zara asked for a few more moments before going to the kitchen. I busied myself twirling the bangle between my fingers.

She came with two cups of hot chocolates, they were hyped with cream and the cups had cat ears on either side. I took a sip, expecting it to be sugary, like last time, with the tea. But it had the slight bitterness of cocoa with a little sugar. I chanced a look at Zara. She was smiling in arrogance. Principessa had noticed my reluctance for tea last time.

Instead of heels, she was wearing fluffy slippers. And had wiped off some of the makeup while making the hot chocolate. She still hadn't shown any sign of dizziness, but the glass of wine had been half full.

"Zara..." I clear my throat quickly, as my voice had turned out to be a desperate plea to get her attention back to me from her hot chocolate. "I'm saying this as friends..." What the fuck, I wanna shoot my head off. "Don't take your eyes away from your drink next time, alright. It is dangerous. The real world out there is no sunshine and rainbows. Just be careful next time."

Her lower lip trembled slightly. "I was stirring it properly. But sometimes it sticks in the bottom of the pan and burns. I didn't feel like it was burnt, but if you want, I will replace it." She said quietly in a strained voice.

"What are you talking about, Zara." I ask quizzically. This girl is gonna be the death of me. She pouted, lifting her chin to point at the hot chocolate. Merda.

"I'm not talking about the hot chocolate. It's good, really. I was just asking you to not leave your drink unattended in the club. That..." I calm myself to water down the story. Otherwise, she'll demand going back and filing a police report. "I saw your drink in the club. You were not exactly careful about it. You should have..." Her eyes widened as her perfect lips formed an 'O'. Then she pursed her lips, her eyes shining with mischief. Running her fingers on the rim of her cup, she told me her deepest darkest secret. At least that was her tone, as she did.

"That bartender was cajoling me to get one. Even after I ordered those mozzarella sticks. Then ummm.... this girl left her wineglass and I don't think she was coming back. I would have ordered her one if she did, by the way. So... um... I slid the glass near my food and that bartender didn't disturb my peace anymore." She completed after carefully putting in every word.

I released a long breath, pushing my back against the armrest. I empty the hot chocolate, scanning her face as she blushed at her own mischievous mind like a kid. Since I had been already relieved with one thing, I just wanted to be done with this one. So when I leave, she makes more prudent decisions.

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