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Avril Lavigne - Goddess

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Avril Lavigne - Goddess

He thinks I'm sexy in my pajamas

The more I am a hot mess the more he goes bananas

He treats me like I'm a goddess

"Zara, I know you are angry with me

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"Zara, I know you are angry with me. But don't you think it's a little too much." I say carefully she glared at me through the mirror. Putting her hands on her hips, cocking her head to the side daring me to speak further. 

After having dinner that I brought, she led me to her bedroom. I had already woven scenarios of us being together and the four-poster bed made my imagination run free. We could roll over the whole fucking bed in different positions all night. My dick had been straining against my pants for some action. But instead, she made me sit on her dresser opposite the bed.

"Zara, I know I made a mistake but please don't make me wear a face mask." I feign the fear in my voice just to see her smile. She giggled shaking her head.

"Face mask is for weekdays when I go to work." She smiled, making my dark heart fill with warmth.

"What are you going to do with me.?" I swallowed visibly, giving her an imploring look.

"I am going to do your hair." She said running her fingers over my hair. My dark brown hair is cut short on the sides and longer in the middle. I made some calculations of the mistakes Zara could do with them after seeing Edward's hair. So I agreed, I can manage as long as she doesn't snip off the short hair. Thankfully her hand never reached for the scissors. She used plenty of tools from the dresser. My eyes were solely on her cleavage, I got to ogle at every time she leaned toward the dresser to pick something. Then to the concentrated look on her face, she would become cross-eyed momentarily and her pink tongue would slightly push out of her plump lips like she is performing brain surgery on my head.

Thus, 15 minutes later my hair was curled into big waves falling onto the right side. She used a little curling rod to do it. Then applied some drops of jojoba oil, mixed with some other oil that smelled like her. By tomorrow morning there will be a burn mark over the shell of my ear, that Zara hadn't realized she had given me. Since I hadn't flinched a fraction when the hot rod was melting my skin.

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